terminal PROFIT variable in the graph



to get a full graphics display (without a visible terminal) i'd like the 'profit' as a visible point in the graphics.

Where can i find that 'profit' variable ?


Waw quick reply :)

Thanks it's orderselect() + orderprofit() i think.

But what about ALL the current orders ?


double profit = 0;

int total=OrdersTotal();

for(int pos=0;pos<total;pos++) // open orders

if(OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS)==false) continue;

profit += (pos, OrderProfit()); // sum of all orders-profit



double profit = 0;

int total=OrdersTotal();

for(int pos=0;pos<total;pos++) // open orders

if(OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS)==false) continue;

profit += (pos, OrderProfit()); // sum of all orders-profit


save your time AccountProfit()

any help needed to change the settings when the total of profit changed......

Does AccountProfit return the total amount of the orders in use ??

Here is my temporary code:

#property indicator_chart_window

extern color color1 = Yellow;
extern int FontSize = 12;
extern string note5 = "WHAT CORNER?";
extern string note6 = "UPPER LEFT=0; UPPER RIGHT=1";
extern string note7 = "LOWER LEFT=2; LOWER RIGHT=3";
extern int WhatCorner = 1;
extern int TempOrderOffset = 90;

//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
//---- indicators
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int gi_1 = 18; // used to determine position on graph
int li_0;
int li_1;

double profit=0; // profit current orders

int total=OrdersTotal(); // count nbr of orders
if (total < 1) return (0);

if (WhatCorner == 2 || WhatCorner == 3) { // where to set the indicator
li_0 = gi_1 + 8;
li_1 = 1;
if (WhatCorner == 0 || WhatCorner == 1) {
li_0 = 1;
li_1 = gi_1 + 8;

for(int pos=0;pos<total;pos++) // count orders in use
if(OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS)==false) continue;
profit += OrderProfit(); //sum of order profits
// display profit in desired corner

ObjectCreate("TempOrderProfit", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText("TempOrderProfit",DoubleToStr(profit, 2), FontSize, "Arial", color1);
ObjectSet("TempOrderProfit", OBJPROP_CORNER, WhatCorner);
ObjectSet("TempOrderProfit", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 1);
ObjectSet("TempOrderProfit", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, li_0 + TempOrderOffset);

return (0);



Does AccountProfit return the total amount of the orders in use ??


Thanks for your time,

Sorry, it's my first code and i have to be sure..

here are the changes:

int start()
int gi_1 = 18; // used to determine position on graph
int li_0;
int li_1;

double profit=0; // profit current orders

int total=OrdersTotal(); // count nbr of orders
if (total < 1) return (0);

if (WhatCorner == 2 || WhatCorner == 3) { // where to set the indicator
li_0 = gi_1 + 8;
li_1 = 1;
if (WhatCorner == 0 || WhatCorner == 1) {
li_0 = 1;
li_1 = gi_1 + 8;

/*for(int pos=0;pos<total;pos++) // count orders in use
if(OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS)==false) continue;
profit += OrderProfit(); //sum of order profits
} */
// display profit in desired corner
if(ObjectFind("TempOrderProfit") != 0) {
ObjectCreate("TempOrderProfit", OBJ_LABEL, 0,Time[0], 0);
ObjectSetText("TempOrderProfit",DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2), FontSize, "Arial", color1);
ObjectSet("TempOrderProfit", OBJPROP_CORNER, WhatCorner);
ObjectSet("TempOrderProfit", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 1);
ObjectSet("TempOrderProfit", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, li_0 + TempOrderOffset);
} else
ObjectMove("TempOrderProfit", 0, Time[0], Close[0]);
return (0);
