price gapping


Sorry, this is not directly code related but certainly may need to be incorporated at some point: does anyone know why price gaps at the open on Sundays? I have noticed that between the futures markets and forex, there seems to be some "drift" during the hour settlement occurs on the futures and certainly price opens at different places on Sunday nights but does anyone know WHY this occurs? I understand that order (bids/asks) dictate where price goes but does anyone have any insights or "clues" as to why this happens or a way to find out when/how this will happen in the future?

Good trading everyone-this forum is awesome! I have learned so much here.......


This is not the place to ask these (here is a forum of MQL programmers) but briefly

1) when you see by your broker that the market began, the market already opened two hours before(or maybe more)

2) all prices are determined by supply and demand (bid & ask) from people around the entire world & if there is no demand or supply for the price which was closed on Friday just higher or lower = Gap