Multiple sessions MT4 on same account

Is it possible to run 2 or more sessions of MT4 (with different EA's) on the same account at the same time?


But it will not free you from the necessity of properly implementing magic-number functionality in all EAs. The only advantage of running multiple MT4 is that you can run them on different PCs. If it is the same PC there are not many valid reasons for running multiple MT4s for the *same* account. It only complicates things.
[...] If it is the same PC there are not many valid reasons for running multiple MT4s for the *same* account. It only complicates things.
There is one good reason: each Terminal has it's own trade context, so u completely avoid error 146 (ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY). In certain situations it might be worth it.
There is one good reason: each Terminal has it's own trade context, so u completely avoid error 146 (ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY). In certain situations it might be worth it.
Yes, this is true. I forgot this one. My systems are sloooow, trading only a few times per week and my OrderSend() wrappers also take care of everything.
Is it possible to run 2 or more sessions of MT4 (with different EA's) on the same account at the same time?

But it will not free you from the necessity of properly implementing magic-number functionality in all EAs. The only advantage of running multiple MT4 is that you can run them on different PCs. If it is the same PC there are not many valid reasons for running multiple MT4s for the *same* account. It only complicates things.

One of the reasons to run a second version of MetaTrader is that I have Forex Samurai running on MetaTrader and apparently it can only run in the current profile. When I switch to another profile, it's not working anymore and will start working again when I switch to the original profile. I use different profiles for different currency pairs and have opened on each profile several graphs on the same currency, this is especially useful when I log in remotely (from work i.e.). So that's the reason why I want to run simultaneously 2 sessions of MetaTrader on the same account, then I can have 1 session with all my active EA's and have another session open on which I can login from work and switch between the different profiles.
My next question is whether EA's are still working when they are on another (not the current) profile within MetaTrader?

> ... whether EA's are still working when they are on another (not the current) profile within MetaTrader?

No they are not -only the EA's of the current profile can work and make sure the EA's you want are enabled after a Profile change

Understand the purpose of Tools\Options\Disable experts when the profile has been changed

If in doubt, run two instances of MT


the profiles in one MT4 (the one where you switch profiles) will not affect the operation of the EAs in the other running MT4. Just make sure you leave the MT4 where the EAs are running alone and don't switch its profiles and they will work. On the other MT4 you can then do whatever you want.