Set a reward for your partners and boost your sales right now! - page 3

How to remove or reduce to 0% ?
How to remove or reduce to 0% ?
Ask Admin.
How to remove or reduce to 0% ?
How do your Affiliates still get paid at the previous level ?  do they still get paid at the previous level ?  how much notice do they get ?
How do your Affiliates still get paid at the previous level ?  do they still get paid at the previous level ?  how much notice do they get ?
Yes. The change may hurt the affiliates. The affiliate system at still has a long way to go.
How do your Affiliates still get paid at the previous level ?  do they still get paid at the previous level ?  how much notice do they get ?
Yes, previous get paid at previous rate.  No notice, the previous should get paid forever till the people subscribed via them continue subscription. If they break in between, that closes the relationship.
How is the user tracking system implemented? Let's say I am a partner and I advertise product ABC on my website. Someone clicks on my link and goes to the market, but he does not buy the product immediately. Instead he only downloads the demo version for testing. After a day or two he finally buys the product. Will I still get pay my portion of money as partner? How long is user tracked after he clicks on affiliate's link? Has anyone already tried to check that?