

Is there a way to get an indication to the Start function only when there is a new bar?


Is there a way to get an indication to the Start function only when there is a new bar?

try this

if(newcandle!= Time[0]) //check for new candle
...put your code here




you forgot to declare:

static datetime newcandle=0;


edit: to make your code more secure you should also check:

if(high==open && high=close && low==open && low==close)




you forgot to declare:

static datetime newcandle=0;


edit: to make your code more secure you should also check:

if(high==open && high=close && low==open && low==close)



Thanks :)

Volume==1 is not reliable. Volume can skip numbers

high==open&& high=close... isn't reliable. Start is called when anything changes not just price, like spread, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL), etc

Bars == bars.prev isn't reliable. Bars stops changing once max bars in chart is reached.

Time[0] is reliable

int start(){
    static datetime Time0;  bool    newBar  = Time0 < Time[0];
    if (!newBar) return(0);                   Time0 = Time[0];

Volume==1 is not reliable. Volume can skip numbers

high==open&& high=close... isn't reliable. Start is called when anything changes not just price, like spread, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL), etc

Bars == bars.prev isn't reliable. Bars stops changing once max bars in chart is reached.

Time[0] is reliable

hi, time[0] alone is not reliable at all.

if connection drops and come back a few minutes later your EA will be take the first new tick as a new bar.

i never said only use volume or only use high==low eccc.

i ment:

static datetime Time.update=0; 
   //New Bar reliable


the biggest problem with this solution is, that in fast moving markets and "slow" EA's there is the possibility that a bar is missed. To prevent that maybe a treshold could be inserted...lets lay 1pip

still far away from bulletproof, but nearer than everything else


You can use this function to check if it's a new bar or not:

bool NewBar ()


   static datetime LastTime = 0;

   if (Time[0] != LastTime) {
      LastTime = Time[0];     
      return (true);
   } else
      return (false);

And you can call it at any part of your program this way:

if(NewBar()) //do somthing

Hi. I tried so many ways but it couldn't make it work.

Should I put if ( NewBar () == true) before trading criteria?

Best regards.


Hi. I tried so many ways but it couldn't make it work.

Should I put if ( NewBar () == true) before trading criteria?

Best regards.

Should work

Hi. I am testing with a simple trading criteria like Stochastic Cross Signal line. Close short and open long position if a buy signal is generated, close long and open short position if a sell signal is generated. I tested in Metastock to see how many trades were generated and resulted in about 220 trades from August to 18th October in a 15min chart. In MetaTrader resulted less than 90 trades. I checked personally and there were many signals that didn't trigger an order. I put the "if(newbar() == true)" before trading criteria.

Best regards.

bool newbar()

    static datetime LastTime = 0;

    if (Time[0] != LastTime)
        LastTime = Time[0];
        return (true);
      return (false);
int start()
// initial data checks

      Print("bars less than 100");

      // no opened orders identified
         Print("No sufficient funds. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());
      // check for long position (BUY) possibility
      if(newbar() == true)
      if(StoCurrent>SignalCurrent && StoPrevious<SignalPrevious)    //TRADING CRITERIA
            if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) Print("BUY order opened : ",OrderOpenPrice());
         else Print("Error opening BUY order : ",GetLastError()); 
      // check for short position (SELL) possibility
      if(StoCurrent<SignalCurrent && StoPrevious>SignalPrevious)    //TRADING CRITERIA
            if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) Print("SELL order opened : ",OrderOpenPrice());
         else Print("Error opening SELL order : ",GetLastError()); 
// --------  
      OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if(OrderType()<=OP_SELL &&       // check for opened position 
         OrderSymbol()==Symbol() &&    // check for symbol
         OrderMagicNumber() == MAGICMA) // check for magic number
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)   // long position is opened
            // should it be closed?
            if(newbar() == true)
            if(StoCurrent<SignalCurrent && StoPrevious>SignalPrevious)    //TRADING CRITERIA
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,0,Violet); // close position
               return(0); // exit
         else // go to short position
            // should it be closed?
            if(newbar() == true)
            if(StoCurrent>SignalCurrent && StoPrevious<SignalPrevious)    //TRADING CRITERIA
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,0,Violet); // close position
               return(0); // exit