How to setup an email or text msg


Hi: Thanks for your help on my question.

I have setup an ea with specific conditions that works better with a manual entry/exit. I would like to generate a signal that can be sent by email or text msg. Any guidance on this? Thanks again.


This is not an easy task as you think.

For email you need to create a dll program that sends emails to the group you want to share your signels with. This require a c++ coder and a working pop3 account.

For sms you can check skype apis.


This is not an easy task as you think.

For email you need to create a dll program that sends emails to the group you want to share your signels with. This require a c++ coder and a working pop3 account.

For sms you can check skype apis.

for e-mail you can use mt4's build in email send. it's quite a easy task. Check the SendMail() command.



for e-mail you can use mt4's build in email send. it's quite a easy task. Check the SendMail() command.


He want to send emails to a group of people not an email to his email account.

well, simpler is still use the build in email function and then forward the mails..



Thanks for all your suggestions!

He want to send emails to a group of people not an email to his email account.
he can setup a mailing list and send the email there. Nobody was talking about sending it to his own account. You can specify any recipient you want for your emails. Don't make things more complicated than they are. MT4 can send e-mail.
he can setup a mailing list and send the email there. Nobody was talking about sending it to his own account. You can specify any recipient you want for your emails.


How can I use SendMail() to send email to mailing list? Or how can I specify any recipient you want for my emails?

void SendMail( string subject, string some_text) 


How can I use SendMail() to send email to mailing list? Or how can I specify any recipient you want for my emails?
