Inverse Fisher Transform - Change to code - Assistance needed


Good Evening,

In the October 2010 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine, there was a great article entitled "A Smoothed RSI Inverse Fisher Transform" in which the author laid out the use of this indicator in forex trading.

In searching for the code on this indicator, I found code for the indicator posted at the following link: . Where I am challenged is that the indicator presents as a range between and +1.xxxx.

I am fairly new at coding, and lack the experience in getting the indicator to present from a 0-100 scale as the author presented in the article.

Could someone please assist with this? Any assistance that can be rendered would be greatly appreciated.




I tried to download the indicator, but says HTTP 404.3 - Not Found


I tried to download the indicator, but says HTTP 404.3 - Not FoundP

Please see the attached file.


i'm sorry but again

They changed the forum software here... from remarkably bad to almost unusable.

i'm sorry but again

I dont understand why you are not able to upload the file. Would recommend maybe performing a search for Inverse Fisher Transform.

I appreciate your initiative, and am sorry you are having trouble trying to access the files to assist me.




add this 2 lines

#property indicator_minimum -100
#property indicator_maximum 100

and change this line

IFish=(MathExp(2*Value2)-1) /(MathExp(2*Value2)+1);

with this one

IFish=(MathExp(2*Value2)-1) /(MathExp(2*Value2)+1)*100;

add this 2 lines

and change this line

with this one


Thanks so much for your assistance. It worked perfectly!

Have a great day!!!1




the main issue is extern int 0.5!!! Try this one...

#property indicator_level1 0
#property indicator_levelstyle STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_levelcolor DimGray


extern int RsiBars=5; // default=5
extern int WmaBars= 9; // default=9
extern double HiTrigger=0.5; // default=0.5
extern double LoTrigger=-0.5; // default=-0.5
extern bool info=0; // default=0