Copyrights question


Hello to all,

I have found a EA which closely covers a system which I have been kicking around. By no means do I wish to copy without permission. But if this EA is listed in the Code Base on this site, is it permisible to do so? I have worked with it and have found that although it does compile, it does not work properly. No matter how I rearrange parameters, I always have the same results. I have deleted certain areas which do not seem to be necessary and still get the same results. I have looked for this EA on this site but can not locate the Author for clarifications. What is the next step. I give credit to its author, but something is not right or missing.



I'm guessing its a commercial system.
If I was the author of the system, I wouldn't want someone to share an EA for free that trades the system automatically.
I think you should ask the author if you can upload it, but I don't think he will accept.
Otherwise, just keep it for private use.


I'm guessing its a commercial system.

He said its listed in the codebase. The license of the codebase applies (whatever this license might be).

Thanks for all the info. I just do not want to cross any ethical paths.


If an EA or indicator is listed in the codebase does that not imply the code is available for anyone to use in their own programmes free of copyright ?


If a file (any file, anywhere) does not specify any license there is still a copyright by the original author. This copyright came into existence by the mere act of writing the file and stays valid unless the author explicitly gives it away. I think the copyright laws of the country in which the act of copying or redistributing the file would happen must be respected in such a case.

All the possible license clauses like GPL, BSD, PD, etc. can only grant additional rights, never restrict any otherwise existing rights. If no such clause exists the default applies which is always the strictest of all: No rights for you, all rights to the author.

And I think (IANAL) if there is no author or it is not known who the author was then it must be considered public domain. Of course only if it does not contain illegally copied content itself. (In this case the file itself would not be allowed to exist in the first place, which is of course complete nonsense. You have no chance of ever knowing this with certainty, its a legal mine field.)

As I understand it, when the original author posts work here, it is considered public domain, out of respect to the original author, it is customary around here to post in the code a notation of the original artwork of the code, like giving credit where credit is due. It would be a nice courtesy to provide that author their 15 minutes in the spotlight for something they did. When they posted it here, it was most likely meant to be shared to begin with. At least that is my intention when I share code. I have so many ideas, that I cannot complete them all so I will sometimes release code just to see what people make of it. Come to think of it, I have some I have been wanting to post, good luck.