64 bit MT4?

I'm using some rather memory-hungry methods in my EA since it necessitates the use of very large multidimensional arrays. The 32-bit memory address limitations are forcing me to use a much shorter history than i would like, and i'd really like to take advantage of 64 bit memory addresses and increase my RAM considerably. Is there a 64 bit version of MT4 in the works, or is this never going to happen?

I'd be most glad if these Metaquotes guys came up with an MT4 that's compatible with Win7 - and you're coming up with this! What else do you need? A space ship?

Nah nah, just kiddin...

Its not even compatible with XP and 2000. Its basically a windows 95 program. And even in win95 were better places than "program files" to store user data.

I guess the idea is that MT5 will fix everything and even do your laundry!

Does anyone know if that will have 64 bit support at least?

I'm not looking forward to recoding my EAs with the new language they made up, but if it at least has 64 bit support i'd be willing to do it.


Don't think so... Supporting 64 bit is not like adding some loc here and there and there you go!

@7bit: I totally agee. But at least you could work quite well with it using XP. Using Win 7 MT4 is just one big pain in the ass


Supporting 64 bit is not like adding some loc here and there and there you go!

It depends on the tools (language, frameworks, compiler) that are used, how complicated it will be. In C++ it will certainly be horribly complicated and full of pitfalls. It seems they also won't ever release a Linux or Mac version because of their poor choice of development tools.

The more advanced compilers and toolkits usually support always all major platforms and architectures and with a bit of discipline and portability in mind from the beginning on one can easily produce code that just needs one mouse click to compile on a new platform. Testing will still be needed and there will still be minor glitches but "write once - compile anywhere" is certainly possible. With a good tool its really only a few LOC here and there and it will compile and run on x64 or ARM, and on *ix/GTK2 or Qt or WinCE or OSX.

Well... allthough I do have lot of respect for the entrepreneurial effort behind this project (MT itself) I have to agree. Having worked with MT intensively for several years now I could get somewhat of a glimpse of how these russians might work. In certain points their development process seems to lack of state-of-the-art-principles.

"Using Win 7 MT4 is just one big pain in the ass"


Install outside of the "protected" C:\\Program Files or C:\\Program Files(x86) seems to be the answer for me.

I made an MT4 partition, just in case a logfile goes wild or some other little indiscretion occurs.


It depends on the tools (language, frameworks, compiler) that are used, how complicated it will be. In C++ it will certainly be horribly complicated and full of pitfalls. It seems they also won't ever release a Linux or Mac version because of their poor choice of development tools.


Sounds like they shoud have used eclipse...


Sounds like they shoud have used eclipse...

Eclipse is primarily an IDE. I use it a lot for Python. You probably mean Java? not really. I don't like virtual machine overhead or the need of huge runtimes, except sometimes when I'm doing Python stuff. I'm not talking about managed code or VM code or interpreted code or any such thing. I personally like small and fast running highly optimized native code. They could have just steered clear of any Microsoft IDE or compiler or framework and this would already have solved 90% of the problems.

I personally would have written (rewritten) this whole thing with FPC/Lazarus which would instantly solve most (if not all) portability problems but this is just a personal preference, there are also other tools (although none of them even remotely as advanced as Lazarus). The second best option besides FPC/LCL would probably be C++/Qt then there is a huge gap and then comes VM code with Java/Swing (and Netbeans as a RAD tool).


"Using Win 7 MT4 is just one big pain in the ass"


Install outside of the "protected" C:\\Program Files or C:\\Program Files(x86) seems to be the answer for me.

I made an MT4 partition, just in case a logfile goes wild or some other little indiscretion occurs.

Quire right! Another solution is just to disable the virtual store (UAC). Then these folders become unprotected and everything is just fine.