Which course I was in?


I will deal in two periods chart, one is day chart, another is 30 minute chart, i call them big chart and small chart, in big chart, when the high spot come, I call it A spot, a selling sigal will appear, I will sell one. since then, in small chart, when i meet high spot i will sell only. when the big chart bottom come, when the buying signal appear, I call it B spot, I will buy one, since then, when I meet low spot in small chart, I will buy only. From A spot to B spot, I call it A course, from B to A, I call it B course, my question is, how can I let the the small chart knows which course he is in?


Either run an EA on the daily chart to pass the info to the 30 minute EA via a global variable or better code the 30 minute EA to calculate the data from the higher Timeframe. Hard to be more specific from the info given but hope that helps



I guess you are using two distinct EAs, one for the daily and the other for the 30min chart.

The fastest way is to use global variables, as Viffer mentioned. Ex:

In the daily chart (EA):

GlobalVariableSet("course", 1.0); // 1.0->up, 0->no course, -1.0->down

int the 30m chart(EA):

if(GlobalVariableGet("course")==1.0) // global variables are for real numbers only


..... do something here....


The other way is to use just one EA.

In the same EA, you can grab information from distinct timeframes. For example:

....iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1, 1);

....iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M30, 1);

.... and use them to detect both the course and trade signals from 30min charts, without the need to communicate between EAs.




Thank you very much for your replay,sirs:
I nearly understand your mean, I also want to know, in day chart,when the selling signal apear,when the event happened, how can I let the day chart say he is in A course from then, I want to know checking what item it will retune 1.0 or -1.0 for us. I considered several metheds to mark the start of the courses, one of them is to use time to mark the start bar of a course, untill it's replaced by next signal bar. I'm a beginner, will you please give me your advices about that?