Interaction of EA with web server?



I am interested in having a central server application that will dispense buy/sell signals to an EA that resides on a client PC. What is the most painless method to accomplish this? I know a bit of python so I can make the server side application with that - but what should I use with the client? I'd really like to avoid explicit winsock programming if possible.


Application puts a file in the experts directory and the EA periodically reads it.

or EA periodically does a ShellExecute(xcopy) to the experts directory and reads it.

Hm, yeah - good idea. The one problem I can think of is that I intend to send out signals in between ticks (not necessarily at a new tick). Any ideas for how to manage that? I was thinking of running an infinite loop but that would hog resources like whoa.

there is a MQL4 - python bridge. This lets you directly import python modules by your EA and call Python functions, so you won't have to fiddle around with raw sockets in low-level languages and instead simply use Python for the client side.