If we have had a loosing trade during the day not to trade again the same day?


Hello, How can I incorporate an order to my system that just in case we have had a losing trade during one day wait until the next day to trade again.



Select the latest order in OrderHistoryTotal(). Determin if it lost with OrderProfit(). If it was negative check the time depending if you want open time or close time. Establish the Day and then wait for the current day to be != the day of the losing trade.




Select the latest order in OrderHistoryTotal(). Determin if it lost with OrderProfit(). If it was negative check the time depending if you want open time or close time. Establish the Day and then wait for the current day to be != the day of the losing trade.



Thanks a lot Viffer, but I would need a bit more help, if possible could you kindly give a bit further explanation my knowledge of programming can not reach you meaning. Regards.

What code have you created so far to attempt this? Short of doing the whole thing for you, it is difficult to know which areas you don't understand. Post your code so far and I can advise further.



What code have you created so far to attempt this? Short of doing the whole thing for you, it is difficult to know which areas you don't understand. Post your code so far and I can advise further.


Hello again and thanks for your help, I basically use the following page http://sufx.core.t3-ism.net/ExpertAdvisorBuilder/, I do not know much about programming, but do not think I can use this web page for what I

am looking for, do you know any other web page that could help, so with no knowledge of programming can create such things.

Thanks a lot.


Builders obviiously have there limitations. So if you want to know how to code something the builder won't do.... you need to learn the fundamentals of coding... it's all here
