Anthony_M: ....but they are loosers in trading, for this reason they hunt people who is asking for help in coding to get some money to compensate of what they lose in real trading..... Look for example to BarrowBoy, phy,..... i don't remember all names, they always help and instruct what to be done..... i prefer if a programmer doesn't want to help, better not to answer.


I second with V. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. So here's mine in response to yours. I would also place WHRoeder on the senior member list just as BB,Phy,CB && Gordon. His statement is always on point "No slaves here". Some people just make comments to generate the Shock factor. Therefore I'm gonna laugh at your comment as one of those. Who do you know that lose in trading then come here to hunt for $100 programming services from the little guy to start his bankroll again? You already been putting out names so don't tell me you can't now.

Guys like myself and V didn't start telling people read the Book or Pay for the service out of thin air. When did you ever see BB or Phy take a personal request to built an EA and hand it back to the OP? I would have been the first in line requesting them to built whatever exotic strategies which came to my mind. I'd never learn to code if that's what this website was about. When looking back at these guys posts on requests for "built me an EA please" that's how they responded. So now, me and V (among others) gets to be the new drum beaters :) 


Could I just point out that I, for one, couldn't give a stuff about anyone's 'strategy' or their money.

I'm here for two reasons only - to learn from, and to help, other programmers.

And I think the folk you mentioned have similar motivation.

Asking for something to be done for you, rather than asking to be taught indicates that you don't care to learn.

Asking to do it by email indicates that you don't care to help others learn either.

Anthony, please try to get with the spirit of this forum.


I too see " This ... a[s] a resource to aid learning" ( Slightly paraphrased from above).

I just wanted to say that cloudbreaker: saved me all the typing that I was about to say. Tnx.


Coding can be easy. Keep it simple. Keep it organized. Look at all the examples that you can find.

Coding can be as simple as asking to print this piece of paper ... by saying ... PRINT( " This Piece of paper . " ) ;

Now you know how You can include PRINT statements into YOUR code -

You can look in the JOURNAL to see RESULTS when/after running your code

to tell you what is going Right and what is going Wrong.

Omnia Extares,