GMT Offset to generate custom Daily Time Frame


Is it possible to create my own daily time frame OHLC based upon a GMT offset that I can specify?

For Example:

IBFX uses GMT 00:00:00 for the start of each new D1 candle

PFGBest uses GMT 21:00:00 for the start of each of their new D1 candles.

What I am trying to do is develop an indicator that I can use on PFGBest that will show me a custom daily OHLC on the chart that is based upon the 03:00:00 server time candle and ending at the following 03:00:00 candle, then it would reset to show the new values of a new day. The reason I am trying to do this is because I do not feel that PFG's Daily price pivots are valid since they aren't based on a true new GMT day.

I already know how to code for each of the parameters: iOpen, iClose, iHigh, and iLow. I am just needing help to figure out how to offset the start times so the numbers are correct.

Is there anyone that could help with this?

My code for each parameter is below. Thanks.

double EUopen  = iOpen("EURUSD",PERIOD_D1,0);
double EUclose = iClose("EURUSD",PERIOD_D1,0);
double EUhigh = iHigh("EURUSD",PERIOD_D1,0);
double EUlow = ilow("EURUSD",PERIOD_D1,0);