MQL help about SMS

please if any mql expert here can u tel me how to send sms bt using sms script by dll via a expert advisor (by import that dll )when certain conditions are met . still i hv no idea about that. if anyone can pls help me

What good is SMS or email if server is down and ea is down?

How does EA send email or sms if it is down?

I think what you might need is an external program that monitors your EA and do your SMS, etc....


ckingher's response is flawed for a couple of reasons:

1) There may be occasions when it is useful (but not critical) for you to be notified by email or SMS.

2) The suggestion is to create an external program to ensure reliability of notification. Yet this solution still includes email and SMS components which do not provide guaranteed message delivery and certainly provide no guarantees in terms of delivery timescale.

I prefer not to introduce external dlls into the runtime environment for reliability reasons.

I use the SendMail() function to deliver emails to an email account upon which I have filters set up to distribute the messages based upon the content of a standardised subject line. If I wished to implement SMS, then I'd use an Email-to-SMS Gateway service as one of my target email addresses.

I tend to notify users of:

- Order opens and closes (the latter including profit/loss)

- Errors with order opens and closes

I tend to notify sysadmins of:

- EA initialisation (including a list of initialised parameter values)

- EA deinitialisation (including the reason - note that due to the 2500ms deinit() runtime limit, notifications may not always occur, but I generally find that they do)

- All errors

Hope this helps.



Sorry to break it to you bro, but I believe he wanted to use the DLL through MQL.

If he is calling DLL with import through MQL, this is NOT really "EXTERNAL".

It is because when EA is down, he cannot call DLL anymore.

When server is down or EA is down, the EA can no longer function.

Therefore, he needs a REAL EXTERNAL APPLICATION that monitors the EA from another remote source.

Note that the EXTERNAL APPLICATION must be in a different place or source so it will not suffer the same fate when power outage occurs.

You are confusing TRUE EXTERNAL APPLICATION with a simple DLL....


guys thnx for ur replies . and im thinking about send mesages n sms via skype n i referred this link n did exact what they say but still that also doesnt wrk for me . i use windows xp n i pasted dlls ( SkypeLib.dll and Skype4COM.dll ) for experts/libraries folder as they say and did modify my mql code as the example.but still no luck. and also can anyone tell me is thr any free email-to-sms gateway which really wrks . n if any expert that can help me pls add me on skype : lakshij

-thank you-


You are confusing TRUE EXTERNAL APPLICATION with a simple DLL....

I'm not confusing anything.

A 3rd party dll is "external" to the MT4 platform.

Professionally speaking, I do not wish to jeopardize our reliability record (or my confidence of same) by implementing something which could impact running EAs.



Just admit you are wrong...

DLL cannot execute by itself.

If he is importing DLL functions into his EA using MQL4, then that is not TRUE EXTERNAL...

TRUE EXTERNAL application has to be independent of MQL4.

The external application monitors the EA and use the EA, which is not the same as EA calling the DLL.

3rd party CAN BE EXTERNAL BUT IS NOT EQUAL TO EXTERNAL, that is generalization on your part...