How to write news history into array?


The task is: write forex news history (date/time, prev. value, forecast, actual value) into array (arr[][]). I used to download csv-files with news history by weeks from, but they changed it, and now there available history only for couple month, but I need history for 2-3 years.

What options do I have?

Great article, thanks!

But I’m hoping to find some kind script/lib/program/service which converts html page (or even single html table) to csv. Or another site with news history available in csv.


"HTML Text Walkthrough" is good and right way I guess, but it seems using it will take away a lot of time from me. If I will not find script/lib/site which about I said before, I’ll probably will do "Text Walkthrough" (html to text and than “Text Walkthrough”).


If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I'm in the same situation as you. The problem is most web-pages usually contain more than one table. Even if you had a tool which converts the entire page into Csv. You'd still need a way to format it properly, Unless you could tell the tool where to start looking and where to stop. The ideal situation would be finding a Source who:

*Lets you download it in Csv format with properly formated date from the beginning in your server time.
*Give you access to Over 2 years of Historical Information.

If you find such a Source, please let me know so I can stop learning to work with Html and Arrays. I can't stand Arrays. On the bright side, if I could master them, then I can consider myself a programmer.

Since you and I don't have that anymore. The best I could find was one which give me the above information in Html format. Which means you have to filter out allot more noise. Also means working with Arrays if you want any decent speed on back-tests and such. So, thats the plan

*Learn to Extract Table Data from Html files using Arrays.
*Learn to Export Arrays Element into Csv files.

The later is not necessary for trading but would be nice to keep my own history. Just in case the Source goes Selfish on us again.


I’m gonna do this way: save html page “as text“ with Opera. Than open it with Lister (program from Total Commander), than copy/paste into regular text file (.txt). It will remove all tags and such. And than I’ll read it string by string. Looks easy to me, you can try that too.

...Or you can always copy/past text right from html page to text file... %)


I have written a application that downloads the news from Forexfactory website and writes the data to a CSV file and an Access database. It has a schedule option to keep the data up-to-date. It also has a history option that allows historic news data to be downloaded. It also has an option to get the latest news result and present on screen the result and weather this is better or worse. I have written this for myself to be able to include the news in my EA’s. But realise that this may be of interest to others. If I’m going to make it available I’ll need to make it a little more user friendly, so I would like to gauge how much interest there is before I waist my time. If you would like to use it, please email me at
