MT4 won't send Email to cell phone


Bizarre problem -- maybe one of you geniuses can solve this:

Three computers, all running 3 or 4 instances of MT4.

All would send email alerts to my cell phone without fail -- until about 2 wks ago.

ONE of the computers ceased to send out email alerts to my cell phone. The other 2 still work perfectly.

The problematic computer fails to send email from ANY of the 4 MT4 instances on it to my cell.

The problematic computer sends email FINE to ANY of the standard email addresses (Outlook, Webmail, etc) that I've tried, so there's apparently nothing wrong with the email function in that respect -- ONLY when i try to send to my cell phone. Again, this has worked flawlessly for 18 months until 2 wks ago.

Operating system is Windows XP Pro, all specs exceed MT4 min req's. The MT4 instances are all newest -- build 226.

Is there some file that MT4 must have access to in order to send email in whatever format to cell phone? That's the only guess i have at this point, which means I'm totally lost. Already talked to Internet and cell provider -- nothing's changed on their end.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and God bless!


Have you checked the meta-trader's email tab to make sure nothing changed there?

Also did you make sure that emailing is enabled within meta-trader on the problem computer? 


Have you checked the meta-trader's email tab to make sure nothing changed there?

Also did you make sure that emailing is enabled within meta-trader on the problem computer?

Hi, Uzben.

Yes, I've been intimately acquainted with the email tab [under Tools > Options] including making certain it's Enabled . The EXACT same settings that WON'T work on ANY of the 4 EA's on the offensive computer work PERFECTLY on the two other computers.

Any other ideas? Seems like there has to be some commonality in the operating system of the bad PC, some file that's gone corrupt or something.... It's enough to make a preacher cuss.

Thanks again Uzben.

You could copy the working MT4 with all its directories from the good computer over the bad one and if the problem is still there it isn't anything to do with MT4 files. Make a back up copy of the bad one because all the EA and indicators will be replaced too.

I've seen it happen that MT4 email in a certain platform instance seems to hang up. When I sent a test email (from MT4's email settings panel) it seemed to 'flush' the queue and all the queued messages suddenly got sent.


You could copy the working MT4 with all its directories from the good computer over the bad one and if the problem is still there it isn't anything to do with MT4 files. Make a back up copy of the bad one because all the EA and indicators will be replaced too.

Hi, Ruptor. Thanks for the idea. Yup, did that too. The MT4 files get to the offensive machine and cease to hit my cell w a text alert...

It almost HAS to be a non-MT4 file on the system that is crucial to handing the text msg off to a cell address [remember, it sends alerts FINE to a standard email address, just NOT to a cell phone addr]. But how to find it is what's befuzzling.


I've seen it happen that MT4 email in a certain platform instance seems to hang up. When I sent a test email (from MT4's email settings panel) it seemed to 'flush' the queue and all the queued messages suddenly got sent.


Hi, cloudbreaker. I've stabbed that Test button so many times i'm doing it in my sleep. i'm ready to flush something, but i'm afraid it's not the queue....

I've even tried to rolling System Restore back to a point when it was functioning properly, but, curses, foiled again.

I have a workaround in place where the alert msg goes to a web site it own, and gets immediately redirected to my cell. Works fine but latency not good at times, and that's just too many moving parts when there's thousands of $ in play.

Thanks for any input.



Hi, cloudbreaker. I've stabbed that Test button so many times i'm doing it in my sleep. i'm ready to flush something, but i'm afraid it's not the queue....

I've even tried to rolling System Restore back to a point when it was functioning properly, but, curses, foiled again.

I have a workaround in place where the alert msg goes to a web site it own, and gets immediately redirected to my cell. Works fine but latency not good at times, and that's just too many moving parts when there's thousands of $ in play.

Thanks for any input.



I have the same issue. my Journal message is : 2011.08.04 18:48:41 Mail: 550 5.7.0 Sender address does not belong to logged in user {mp-us010}

my second computer, same account, same platform, works excellent.



I have the same issue. my Journal message is : 2011.08.04 18:48:41 Mail: 550 5.7.0 Sender address does not belong to logged in user {mp-us010}

my second computer, same account, same platform, works excellent.

Do you have th From: and To: email addresses mixed up ?