Could be a small Holy Grial ??? - page 2

I think you have done a good job... others have said that you might want more trades to have greater assurance that your system will hold in the future.

But, with the high profit factor and the graph, well, it shouldn't be too much longer... :)

Does your system work on shorter timeframes

These patterns have been developed only in daily charts.

These sytems don´t work in shorter timeframes....

That's impressive steady profit curve CROM. I'm curious to know how you code Price Patterns without the possibility of turning it into / calling it an indicator. Is it statistical?

Well, here's something to consider. If price is above the 20 EMA, then 60% of the bars will have the close higher than the open. Since the odds favor long positions, why take shorts?

If you have an open/close pattern that also has a statistical edge, you can improve the edge by taking trades only in the direction of the statistical bias.

If you do statistical studies like this, you can find edges you can add together for a profitable system.


Well, here's something to consider. If price is above the 20 EMA, then 60% of the bars will have the close higher than the open. Since the odds favor long positions, why take shorts?
If you have an open/close pattern that also has a statistical edge, you can improve the edge by taking trades only in the direction of the statistical bias.
If you do statistical studies like this, you can find edges you can add together for a profitable system.

  I suspected it was statistical. Thank you CROM. Very much appreciated. 



i got realy intrested when reading your idea. i gave up my statistically analyisis a few ago because

a) i never got a edge, like you (60% is a edge you could use)

b) i got always bad forwardtest.

however, your idea intrested me, so i developed this indicator to check your idea, but i got different results, my indicator says that you have a slightly advance if you open a countertrade.

i also added the average pips you gain/loss. here is a pic of what it looks like,

just my 2 cents. as i can see from your EA you have definatly another edge which is more sigificant..

good luck

