Help Script Call Script Upon Drag and Drop


any1 kindly help me please, i tried to call a script after other script drag and dropped... i kind a confused how to explain this in english... i hope one can understand what i mean :)


  • script 1
  • script 2

what i did now:

  1. drag and drop script 1 (to get value A on chart)
  2. drag and drop script 2 (to get value B on chart)
  3. done but too long in one minute chart if i do this i missed out many trades!
  • click hold release click hold release DONE <- taking too many time :(
what it need to be fasten up is:
  1. drag and drop script 1 (click script 1 and hold drag to chart and release)
  2. script 1 finished and do deinit() (this will call script 2)
  3. deinit() on script 1 will activate script 2 (click on chart to activate script 2)
  • click hold release click DONE <- faster :)

so... any one can help me with this deinit() on script 1?