Need Help - Newbie to MQL4

How do you convert a source code into an executable file (.mql4) using Meta Editor?

You can't.


MMMM.. The source code into the exicutable? It is not the other way around. It's converted to the executable when you comple it. MetaTrader can not read the source code. Well that is what I understnad and what is in the MQL4 book.


Source = mq4 (you construct this with knowledge)

Executable = ex4 (when you get a clean compile using Meta Editor, this is the result, and this is what you add to the chart)

Don't talk to us about going the other way around. If you don't have the source, the reason is generally that the programmer is trying to protect his intellectual property. If you try to get around this by attempting to decompile the executable, you will annoy us programmers on the forum for understandable reasons.