'Point' only and always returning '0.0001' for some unknown reason. - page 2


This is turning into quite an entertaining thread.


Point will never return the current price (unless we're in economic meltdown). As all the responders have said, the return of 0.0001 is what would be expected with a 4 digit broker/pair. And, as they've said, its used as a factor for converting (for example) "relative pips" into "price deltas" in stops calculations.

Is it possible that you've declared your own variable with a similar name in the past (something like point with a small p), filled it with the current price and that's the source of confusion?

In any case:

Point WILL return something like 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001

Point WILL NOT return something like 1.2345

End of.



Howdy all,

So I wasn't confused about being confused! ROFLoL (< 8)

I know there is a one word reserved term for returning the current price of a selected currency pair, but obliviously it is not 'Point'.

So what IS the term?

(8 >) . Thanks again to one and all . (< 8)


This is turning into quite an entertaining thread.

So nice of me to provide some amusement!

Fortunately I am taking it the same way myself.

It's a bit ambiguous, but I can see where the description of 'Point' does fit it.

Seems kind of redundant with 'Digits' though.

But I KNOW there is such a term for this function.

I posted the question on here some time ago and got and have used the term successfully.

But it's getting so that I can hardly stand the suspense about it any more now though. (< 8(

So will one of you kind and compassionate folks please 'put me out of my misery'! (< 8)

Someone PLEASE give me some relief!

(8 >) . It will be handy in programming as well . (< 8)


I'm making up some hard copy of MQL4 documentation. Obliviously I'm very much in need of it!

You wouldn't believe the difficulties that I am having with Amazon.Com trying to get the MQL4 programming book that Rosh listed here. They have some nerve as aspiring to and claiming to be 'The most 'customer-centric' website, service and company in the world!' Mind you it's hard to imagine them having anywhere to go but up. But it takes a big organization to create SNAFUs like they currently have, so the potential to get worse is there )< 8( Their current status shows it. Makes me think that they are collaborating with MetaQuotes!

OH! the Horror!! The HORROR !!!

Any objections to me including your alphabetical listing of MQL4 functions CB? As well as getting a couple of them bound into them; I'll likely get a double sided copy of it laminated to keep and use it as a quick and handy convenient reference card as well. I'm happy to credit it to you CB. Though I don't know who else is going to see it but me, but you never know. If I can actually make this a profitable endeavor, I'll likely pass the info and EAs on to some friends as well if they are interested in this.

Think of it as an investment and cutting the workload in half for all of you!

So what's the general consensus on MQL5 ?


Howdy all,

So I wasn't confused about being confused! ROFLoL (< 8)

I know there is a one word reserved term for returning the current price of a selected currency pair, but obliviously it is not 'Point'.

So what IS the term?

(8 >) . Thanks again to one and all . (< 8)

Am I missing something? Bid or Ask give you the current price. Open, High,Low, Close gives you other price information. I don't know of any other way to get price data... if there is, well the suspense will kill me too.


So what's the general consensus on MQL5 ?

From my very limited investigation, there are some aspects which are looking like a big, big mistake. Metaquotes have ditched one of the things which made it very easy to write EAs for MT4.

There are lots of people running two or more EAs on a single account, trading the same symbol. This used to be easy in MQL4; in order to make your EA "play nicely" with other EAs, all you had to do was choose a magic number, and then make sure that your code only looked at orders for your own magic number.

It's now much, much harder in MQL5. Metaquotes have just published a user's article about a "Virtual Order Manager" - https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/125924 - which is more or less an essential if you want to build an EA which doesn't break if there are multiple EAs trading the same symbol on a single account. This sort of functionality should have been built into the MT5 platform by Metaquotes, and not left for a user to implement. At the very least, they should have gone down a NinjaTrader-style route where the platform reports individual pseudo-positions to each automated trading strategy, rather than requiring EAs to do their own leg work in this area.

This is going to lead to lots of buggy EAs which break when you try to run them alongside other EAs.

There also appears to be a major issue with the Virtual Order Manager they've published, and which is not covered at all in the accompanying article (except in a diagram): the VOM has to work by persisting data to disk. This fundamentally changes the disaster-recovery model of MT5 versus MT4. In order to resume trading on a new computer in an emergency, you now need not only a copy of MT4 and your account details (which draw down the order history from the server), but also a copy of the data file created by the VOM. If you don't have a recent backup of this you're potentially in a lot of trouble. And, depending on when the data gets written to disk, you're potentially in trouble simply if MT5 crashes - i.e. a disorderly shutdown where deinit() doesn't get called, and the VOM's data file is then potentially out of date.

This is going to aggravate commercial EA vendors a lot. It's now much more complicated to write EAs for MT5 rather than MT4, partly because of the need to use some sort of VOM to make your EA compatible with other people's EAs. And they've got a whole new support burden from users who call up because they've had to reinstall everything on their computer; they've lost the VOM data file; and their EA is going nuts as a result. In other words, Metaquotes have just made life very much harder for the people who have driven a large percentage of the usage of MT4.


This is turning into quite an entertaining thread.


Point will never return the current price (unless we're in economic meltdown)

We are in melt downs of numerous nature's CB et al. Our culture has 'peaked.' We've poisoned the entire world and all of the ecosystems on and in it. Even the Ecosystems are 'bankrupt.' Add in our exponential population growth. As David Suzuki said 'Nothing in nature can withstand infinite growth' This applies to our economies as well. The current flawed financial model that has been used for the last couple of centuries is based on faulty assumptions from other realms and endeavors to start with. Almost ALL of the countries in the world are bankrupt, including the 'wealthy industrialized nations', but they just haven't let them fall yet. Anyone that has ever been, or knows others that have been in these sorts of circumstances knows that one can coast along and keep it together for a while. But eventually it catches up with one and they are not able to carry it anymore and it crashes and burns.

I replied to some SPAM recently that was targeting US ForEx customers about speaking up and protesting the proposed further changes. I said that if they carried out their plans and brought them into law, that if they want to destroy the ForEx (in the US), that the further proposed changes should do it. Considering that all of the currency pairs are based on and utilize the USD as the base currency, with the current changes that they have brought in on the ForEx there along with the further ones that they want to implement, it is bound to bring about profound changes and chaos to the ForEx.

Carl Sagan postulated that "It is quite likely that 1/3 to 2/3 of the species that become self aware and sentient and unlock the 'secrets of nature' don't survive it. Either from poisoning their world as we already have done, or the incredibly powerful weapons of many different types and use them; or both.'

Those that are waiting for 'The Apocalypse' along with those that don't believe in at all had better WAKE UP as we are already well into it and are already falling and plunging into the Infinite Void() of the Abyss NOW!


From my very limited investigation, there are some aspects which are looking like a big, big mistake. Metaquotes have ditched one of the things which made it very easy to write EAs for MT4.

There are lots of people running two or more EAs on a single account, trading the same symbol. This used to be easy in MQL4; in order to make your EA "play nicely" with other EAs, all you had to do was choose a magic number, and then make sure that your code only looked at orders for your own magic number.

I'm totally focused on learning MQL4 now, but am keeping an ear open on and about MQL5. Your observations seem to be the general ilk of MQL5 on a lot of different aspects and levels.

Considering that one of the factors driving MQL5 is in attempts to cash in on other financial investment vehicles than just the ForEx, the VOM and lack of inherent crash recovery is 'fill in the blanks yourself here'

Considering MetaQuotes almost total lack of end user customer support (an understatement if ever their was one), again fill in the blank to fit your own experience here: '_________________________________!!!'

I went shopping for a new broker recently. To get one that has ECN and STP along with other reasons. I asked every one of them about the longevity of MQL4 availability. Everyone of them said that they will still keep running v4 (indefinitely) even if and when they are utilizing v5. If you owned and operated a (ForEx) brokerage, would you pull the rug out from under what is probably 90 + % of you retail customers? Most of us are pretty small time compared to institutional customers, but taken all together we add up to considerable cash flow. Especially as most retail customers fall into the 90% ~ 95% of those that are in the 'voluntary 'contributions/ taxation'' category.


The subject says it. I just started getting this instead of the current trade level recently for some unknown reason?

Your all correct: I was wrong about what 'Point' is and does.

Now I'm trying to find out what the single term is that does return the price of currently selected trade.


Now I'm trying to find out what the single term is that does return the price of currently selected trade.

For a selected trade - OrderClosePrice() returns the current price for closing it (this is not necessarily the actual close price if OrderClose() is attempted, due to possible slippage/requotes/other errors...).
