MQL4 on iphone - page 2


Ref hypothetical:

Oh, the irony. I watched this on my Mac, and Safari crashed in the middle of playback (when I tried to scroll the page down while the video was playing). And there's obviously a world of difference between something which someone has hacked together versus something officially launched and supported by Apple, with warranties and expectations as to its performance.

Ref expensive: TCO [...]

TCO has very different meanings for a home user versus a business. And if the TCO really is lower in real life rather than in an equation concocted on paper, then business usage of Macs is startlingly low. For you to be right about TCO, I think it would have to imply that most business are not anything remotely close to rational economic actors, in a way which destroys a lot of modern economics.
Ref proprietary: [...] And it runs Windows natively
It's proprietary in the sense that Apple get to select the hardware, and only have to ensure OS X stability on that very small selection of hardware. As you're well aware, the vast majority of Windows BSODs are from dodgy third-party drivers. And the vast majority of the slow-downs etc you've referred to before are from junk pre-installed by the hardware vendor. Neither of these affect Apple because the platform is proprietary. The fact that it runs Windows natively just means that Windows runs happily on any old hardware whereas OS X isn't warranted to do so.

That Safari problem of mine is suggestive: it's probably directly Adobe's fault, not Apple's. But (a) in my experience all the Windows browsers are much more resilient than this, and (b) failure to play nicely with third-party software in a userland app doesn't bode well for having to play nicely with third-party driver code in an open hardware platform.
Ref TCO: TCO is not the reason that businesses retain Windows. There are the issues of existing licenses and skills, proprietary Win 32 apps, corporate inertia, ignorance etc. In fact many if the businesses I've consulted for, have not diligently calculated TCO.

Whilst working as a pilot, I've managed to convert most of the other local commercial heli pilots to Apple (both at home, and in the hangar/office) along with many of my friends. WITHOUT EXCEPTION the feedback has been that they would never dream of going back.

My own experience is that the amount of time I need to spend fixing (rather than using) is zero with Macs, whilst friends with PCs spend a huge amount of time scratching their heads because something has suddenly ceased to work.

The digital divide is exacerbated by Windows. What little old lady (for example) should have to know how to keep her PC safe or pay someone to rebuild it periodically just so it keeps working at the same speed as day one? Windows, in my opinion, is responsible for wasting an enormous amount of people's time. And I value my time. Apple produce products which could more appropriately be called 'appliances'.

I disagree with you in terms of the cause of slowdowns. These are caused by usage. By the user. Normal undisciplined usage by normal oblivious Internet users. In this regard the Windows/IE combination reminds me of a huge ball of sticky tape being rolled through the municipal dump.

I'd suggest Windows is in its descendency. Let's hope so.

:-) CB
Ref TCO: TCO is not the reason that businesses retain Windows. There are the issues of existing licenses and skills [...]

That's part of TCO. It means that any entrenched player has a huge built-in advantage, regardless of the quality of their o/s, but I'd say that it's still part of any sensible "TCO" calculation for an existing business. Otherwise, it's not total cost of ownership. The same is arguably true of proprietary Win32 apps. The entrenched advantage also applies to new businesses because of the need to project cost and availability of hiring skills.

I'd suggest Windows is in its descendency. Let's hope so.

I think there's only one direction which the Windows market share can possibly go in. And I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your hope. It's just that my limited personal and anecdotal experience of OS X and Linux doesn't exactly make me optimistic that these alternatives will cope better than Windows with problems they haven't had to face yet.


My own experience is that the amount of time I need to spend fixing (rather than using) is zero with Macs, whilst friends with PCs spend a huge amount of time scratching their heads because something has suddenly ceased to work.

What little old lady (for example) should have to know how to keep her PC safe or pay someone to rebuild it periodically just so it keeps working at the same speed as day one? Windows, in my opinion, is responsible for wasting an enormous amount of people's time. And I value my time.

:-) CB

I value my time as well. Never used a mac, but I hear good things about it. Early this year, my pc was infected by a virus and it crashed. I lost so many things I didnt know where to start from. I was able to recover stuff I had given out for free on this forum and also stuff that I had sent through email,but the majority of my work was gone and I put a lot of time into that. Then apart from mql, there were other important files I lost too.

Just saying !!

Let's call a halt there jjc :-)
I'm not a fan of religion, and I've been a little bit zealous in this thread.
Although it was good fun.

8284 wrote >>

I value my time as well. Never used a mac, but I hear good things about it. Early this year, my pc was infected by a virus and it crashed. I lost so many things I didnt know where to start from. I was able to recover stuff I had given out for free on this forum and also stuff that I had sent through email,but the majority of my work was gone and I put a lot of time into that. Then apart from mql, there were other important files I lost too.

Just saying !!

I am sorry for you and know by ma own expereince what means, but i guess this is not a fault of Microsoft.
If a user dont have security about his data and files (backup f.e), its not important if you loos them about an hard disk error in apple or a virus in windows or fire in linux...