Cannot edit mq4 in metaeditor

I was hoping someone could help me with a little problem I have with metaeditor. I cannot edit any of my mq4s. I have recently installed windows 7 and now I cannot edit any indicators or experts. I can open them and compile them but when I try to edit its as if my keyboard is not working. I cannot delete any code or add any code. On some of the indicators I will get a message that says "cannot open the expert output file", when I try to compile it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
maybe give user permissions to the whole mt4 folder and all its subfolders and all files in it. Or install the whole application not in "c:\program files\" but in a folder somewhere inside your "my documents" where the user has write permissions by default.

MT4 was never meant to run on any windows version newer than windows 98. The metaquotes people in faraway and cold Siberia seem to have completely missed the fact that it is now already 15 years later and there are windows versions available with a working permissions model and profile folders for user data.