over-all, stop loss/take profit, based on total account balance


dear MT4 traders,
I thought of a trading stratergy some time ago that is really simplistic and very effective (nearly), I have used it quite alot on demo, and am now looking for an EA to complete it. The stratergy is to have 20 positions open at the same time
With each currency pair, you just open an hourly chart, and using no indicators just look with your eyes, is it going up or down?? when you have decided for each of the 20, you open all the 20 positions as near to the same time as possible. when all 20 positions are open, %90 of the time, within a couple of minutes, the total balance of my account slips into profit, within a couple of hours the profits are huge, but for a whole 24 hours, the total balance will keep slipping in and out of profit. this is where my problem is. I need a type of tool that will monitor the total balance of all 20 positions put together, and for me to specify, just for example, when my total profit gets to say 200,000 usd, I want all my 20 positions closed immediately, or, if my total balance goes, say, 100,000 into loss, I want all 20 positions to be closed.
so, basically, instead of individual stop loss and take profits for every single currency pair, a stop and take profit based on the total balance of all 20 positions put together.

it is relatively easy to get the direction right, theres no need to complicate, and out of those 20 positions, I am very likely to get alot of them right, some will stay range bound, whilst others will rally in your predicted direction, you dont want to close the losers, because it will make the rallys have to work harder to make up for the loss, you dont want to close the winners because they need to keep going to make up for the loss,plus the rallys might turn against you, plus those losers will turn at some point, and between them all, it will only take around twenty pips in profit to make twice as much as you invested

Is there a type of automated EA that can enable this?? that can also deal with re-quotes??(keep on doing till every position is closed)
or if not, an email sent to me to inform me of the specified balance?? (I can set up text message service alerting me to when i get the email, and then interviene manually)
if no-one knows about this type of EA, do you think it would be possible to write it? does MQL4 have the capacity to do this??
I haven't learned MQL4 yet, so don't know how to program.

it really is a profitable stratergy, half manual, half automated (hopefully). ive treid it many times, but havent got the time to constantly monitor the balance, and you would be suprised how quickly you go into profit with those twenty positions, i need an alert or an automated positions close EA based on a specified profit/ loss input of the total balance of all the 20 positions put together.

please help. if the way I have described this is confusing, ask me to explain better, I really need an EA like this,
thanks alot for reading, I look forward to your comments

regards, ellie2010

Please delete your other 2 posts! They are identical to this one.

I assume all 20 positions are of the same type? If so, you can try this -> https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/123831.
Regarding turning this into an EA, you would need to define the algorithm more accurately.
gordon wrote >>
Please delete your other 2 posts! They are identical to this one.

I assume all 20 positions are of the same type? If so, you can try this -> https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/123831.
Regarding turning this into an EA, you would need to define the algorithm more accurately.

dear gordon,
I mean, open the positions 'manually' (not EA) , just look at the hourly charts, having about 20 positions open (buy and sell) all different currency pairs, and instead of stops and take profits for every currency pair at certain prices, I mean having a stop loss and take profit based on the balance of all the 20 positions put together, based on total profit loss, not on price, so do you know if there is an EA or tool like this???

for example:

10,000 lot sizes x 20 positions=200,000 of currency traded.
an EA or type of tool that will let me:

when my total balance of the 20 gets to 800,000 profit, i want all positions to be closed
when my total balance of the 20 gets to 400,000 loss, I want all my positions to be closed
so, a type of tool that will let me input those requirements, and close all 20 positions auto

I hope I have made this more clear??? if not, ask me to explain better, and thanx for replying.

regards, ellie

dear gordon,
I mean, open the positions 'manually' (not EA) , just look at the hourly charts, having about 20 positions open (buy and sell) all different currency pairs, and instead of stops and take profits for every currency pair at certain prices, I mean having a stop loss and take profit based on the balance of all the 20 positions put together, based on total profit loss, not on price, so do you know if there is an EA or tool like this???

for example:

10,000 lot sizes x 20 positions=200,000 of currency traded.
an EA or type of tool that will let me:

when my total balance of the 20 gets to 800,000 profit, i want all positions to be closed
when my total balance of the 20 gets to 400,000 loss, I want all my positions to be closed
so, a type of tool that will let me input those requirements, and close all 20 positions auto

I hope I have made this more clear??? if not, ask me to explain better, and thanx for replying.

regards, ellie

Instead of deleting your identical posts u decide to post identical answers?

Good luck.

gordon wrote >>

Instead of deleting your identical posts u decide to post identical answers?

Good luck.

please advise me, I am just desparate for an answer, did you understand my question about what i am looking for??

The EA you were pointed to waits until the overall position on all pending orders reaches the profit or loss values entered and then closes them.
It does not matter where the pending trade orders come from.