Newbies question: Advisability of using reserved words and terms for variables? - page 3


Hmm maybe you haven't got it.

Pre-defined variables such as Bid are provided to make your life easier as an EA programmer. You just use them. You don't define them.

What you will need to define are other variables of your own which you decide your particular EA logic needs.

How is this so difficult?



It's not, that’s what I am and have been doing.

But when I initially posted it, I got a number of responses from whom I assume to be knowledgeable and experienced programmers all telling me I was headed for trouble going about it this way.

It wouldn't take much for me to not post it clearly or misunderstand at this point in time; but now I've got conflicting information.

What's a newbe to do?

You did make the distinction between the ones that are primarily meant for internal usage as opposed to usage by programmers.

I'm using them all.

If they exist and I am getting info from them as opposed to storing my own info, then I'm just using the ones that exist rather than duplicating them.

It seems like a no brainer to me, but what do I know about this?

Very little.