Current Price of an Active trade?


This seems like it should be the most basic simple thing and I have spents HOURS just trying to find out how to get the CURRENT price of an Active trade that is already selected.

Someone PLEASE help me!


This seems like it should be the most basic simple thing and I have spents HOURS just trying to find out how to get the crrent price of an open order that is already selected.

Someone PLEASE help me!

The order open price is retrieved using OrderOpenPrice(). The current price is the Bid.


Excuse my incorrect usage of terminology.

I am not looking for the 'Opening Price' of a trade, but rather the CURRENT price of an ACTIVE trade.

I know that their is a simple, short statement that does exactly this because I found it a couple of days ago. But I can't remember it or find it now.

Looking at the definition for the 'OrderOpenPrice()' I don't see anything about either the 'Ask' or the 'Bid' price there and I'm afraid I'm too new to understand how I would get the current price with 'OrderOpenPrice()'

Regardless, thanks for posting.


Excuse my incorrect usage of terminology.

I am not looking for the 'Opening Price' of a trade, but rather the CURRENT price of an ACTIVE trade.

I know that their is a simple, short statement that does exactly this because I found it a couple of days ago. But I can't remember it or find it now.

Looking at the definition for the 'OrderOpenPrice()' I don't see anything about either the 'Ask' or the 'Bid' price there and I'm afraid I'm too new to understand how I would get the current price with 'OrderOpenPrice()'

Regardless, thanks for posting.

U mean OrderClosePrice():

- if the selected order is open - returns current closing price (which is not necessarily the actual price it would be closed at if u attempt closing it).

- if the selected order has already been closed - returns the actual price the order was closed.

Obviously, the order must be selected first, so it's only a 'short statement' if it was already selected...


double MarketInfo( string symbol, int type)
Returns various data about securities listed in the Market Watch window. A part of information about the current security is stored in predefined variables.
symbol - Security symbol.
type - Request identifier that defines the type of information to be returned. Can be any of values of request identifiers.
   double bid   =MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_BID);
   double ask   =MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_ASK);
   double point =MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_POINT);
   int    digits=MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_DIGITS);
   int    spread=MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_SPREAD);

Market information identifiers, used with MarketInfo() function.
It can be any of the following values:

Constant Value Description
MODE_LOW 1 Low day price.
MODE_HIGH 2 High day price.
MODE_TIME 5 The last incoming tick time (last known server time).
MODE_BID 9 Last incoming bid price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Bid
MODE_ASK 10 Last incoming ask price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Ask
MODE_POINT 11 Point size in the quote currency. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Point
MODE_DIGITS 12 Count of digits after decimal point in the symbol prices. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Digits
MODE_SPREAD 13 Spread value in points.
MODE_STOPLEVEL 14 Stop level in points.
MODE_LOTSIZE 15 Lot size in the base currency.
MODE_TICKVALUE 16 Tick value in the deposit currency.
MODE_TICKSIZE 17 Tick size in the quote currency.
MODE_SWAPLONG 18 Swap of the long position.
MODE_SWAPSHORT 19 Swap of the short position.
MODE_STARTING 20 Market starting date (usually used for futures).
MODE_EXPIRATION 21 Market expiration date (usually used for futures).
MODE_TRADEALLOWED 22 Trade is allowed for the symbol.
MODE_MINLOT 23 Minimum permitted amount of a lot.
MODE_LOTSTEP 24 Step for changing lots.
MODE_MAXLOT 25 Maximum permitted amount of a lot.
MODE_SWAPTYPE 26 Swap calculation method. 0 - in points; 1 - in the symbol base currency; 2 - by interest; 3 - in the margin currency.
MODE_PROFITCALCMODE 27 Profit calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures.
MODE_MARGINCALCMODE 28 Margin calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices.
MODE_MARGININIT 29 Initial margin requirements for 1 lot.
MODE_MARGINMAINTENANCE 30 Margin to maintain open positions calculated for 1 lot.
MODE_MARGINHEDGED 31 Hedged margin calculated for 1 lot.
MODE_MARGINREQUIRED 32 Free margin required to open 1 lot for buying.
MODE_FREEZELEVEL 33 Order freeze level in points. If the execution price lies within the range defined by the freeze level, the order cannot be modified, cancelled or closed.
For each executable MQL4 program, a number of predefined variables is supported that reflect the state of the current price chart at the launching of a program: an expert, a script, or a custom indicator.

Libraries use variables of the module that has called a library.

To have a safe and quick access to these data, client terminal provides local copies of predefined variables for each launched program separately. These data are updated at every launch of an attached expert or a custom indicator automatically or using the RefreshRates() function call.

To get the CURRENT price of an Active Trade:

double Point

The current symbol point value in the quote currency.
See also MarketInfo().

I don't understand what you are saying with this latest post. Point has nothing to do with the "current price of an active trade". Point returns (for example) 0.0001 for a 4 digit broker/symbol and 0.00001 for a 5 digit broker/symbol.

The reason that you can't find any reference to the "current price of an active trade" is because the current price IS NOT AN ATTRIBUTE OF a trade.

So as Gordon said, you can check the OrderClosePrice() of a selected order - which will fluctuate with the market until the order is closed.

Or you can check the OrderType() of the selected order and then check Bid or Ask as appropriate. (Or if the selected order is from another symbol, you can get the bid and ask prices using MarketInfo().


Thanks - this post has helped me - even though I am not the origional poster.