Something Interesting in Financial Video June 2013 - page 5


What is FOMC Meeting

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is the policy-making arm of the Federal Reserve. It determines short-term interest rates in the U.S. when it decides the overnight rate that banks pay each other for borrowing reserves when a bank has a shortfall in required reserves. This rate is the fed funds rate. The FOMC also determines whether the Fed should add or subtract liquidity in credit markets separately from that related to changes in the fed funds rate. The Fed announces its policy decision (typically whether to change the fed funds target rate) at the end of each FOMC meeting. This is the FOMC announcement. The announcement also includes brief comments on the FOMC's views on the economy and how many FOMC members voted for and how many voted against the policy decision.


Does The Martingale System Really Work

The Martingale system is one of the most popular betting systems available. In this video, we ask the question - does the Martingale system really work?


How to Trade a Small Account

This is 2 minute video with general principles about how to trade a small account.


How to Day Trade Futures with John Carter

just about 3 minute video with practical example.


Trading and Personality

What effect does your trading life have on your personality. Well, for one trading teaches self criticism - it teaches resilience and it teaches flexibility. The bad side is that it rather it makes you crave for short-term satisfaction and stimulas which may impact how you see long term goals in life. Trading can also encourage a black and white world view


Does the 80/20 Rule work for the Markets?

It is often said that markets trend for 20% of the time and go nowhere for 80% of the time. This does feel right - sometimes. It is also often said that most of the money is made in 20% of the trades. When markets aren't trending some indicators will work better. But when the markets are trending the same indicators can let you down.

A Top Swing Trading Pattern by Tom Willard

This is one of the TOP swing trading patterns/concepts out there. It's simply finding a trend and looking for a retracement based on simple fibonacci retracement concepts. Anyone can learn these simple technical setups quickly and put them to use immediately!

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types - Documentation on MQL5

Using Gaps to Find Trading Ideas

This is short 5 minute video about gap trading. Everything is accompanied by text and charts for practical examples.


How to Lock In Profits

I will show you the importance of having a stop loss in place and why a trading plan cannot be ignored. We cannot get caught up on the euphoria of news releases and announcements and we must make sure we have a plan in place which includes stops. Getting trapped into one-sided thinking can be dangerous.


Easy way to use Stops

How to use stop loss ... using stop loss is not about how much money you make, it is how much money you kick