Tradeing your account with my EA - 1-3% daily win


Hello, I have a EA and can trade your account with it, but just live account with minimum deposit 1000 dollar and i want 30% share of the wins, have you interest contact me, tomorrow we have monday and I normaly just start on monday cooperation with new partner and trade just for one partner. email:

The results usual 1-3% daily.


Hello, I have a EA and can trade your account with it, but just live account with minimum deposit 1000 dollar and i want 30% share of the wins, have you interest contact me, tomorrow we have monday and I normaly just start on monday cooperation with new partner and trade just for one partner. email:

The results usual 1-3% daily.



If I have a system which can make me 1-3% daily guaranteed, I would not tell it to anyone. Lets see with averaging 1.5% daily I can double my money in every 3 months. So if I have 1000 dollars here is how much money I would have in 3 years.


3 months 2000

6 months 4000

9 months 8000

I year 16000

1 year 3 months 32000

1 year 6 months 64000

1 year 9 months 128000

2 years 256000

2 years 3 months 512000

2 years 6 months 1024000

2 years 9 months 2048000

3 years 4096000



If I have a system which can make me 1-3% daily guaranteed, I would not tell it to anyone. Lets see with averaging 1.5% daily I can double my money in every 3 months. So if I have 1000 dollars here is how much money I would have in 3 years.


3 months 2000

6 months 4000

9 months 8000

I year 16000

1 year 3 months 32000

1 year 6 months 64000

1 year 9 months 128000

2 years 256000

2 years 3 months 512000

2 years 6 months 1024000

2 years 9 months 2048000

3 years 4096000


Cool Calculation.

Here today i get about 5%.

It is not guaranteed of course, but I can give a guarantee for my tradeing partner, that I pay money back if we make loose, so we can stop at 10% loose from account and I pay that 10% loose from my money back.


Cool Calculation.

Here today i get about 5%.

It is not guaranteed of course, but I can give a guarantee for my tradeing partner, that I pay money back if we make loose, so we can stop at 10% loose from account and I pay that 10% loose from my money back.
