Does an EA use the actual Data or take it from the Graph on a chart for calculations? - page 2

FourX wrote >>
...Now what I am trying to find out that is the scaling of the chart changes.... So I really have no better idea now than I did before of what the correct answer is as no one seems to have the definitive information on this.

In summary, the graphical view is intended for manual trading, which has a degree of... subjectivity involved

For an EA, I would use the consistent axes of price change over time, so you have the opposite and adjacent, hence the 'tangent' and hence the 'angle' of slope in mathematical terms..



See this thread as a small 'official' comment :)



I have actually had questions relevant to this in the past that where never properly answered -> You just reminded me of my own experimentation at the time and the questions I had.

Just to clarify, tell me if any of this is not accurate:

- ALL incoming quotes (ticks) are shown in real-time in Market Watch window.

- MarketInfo(symbol, type) function will return the value of whichever type for the LAST incoming tick of whichever symbol as shown in Market Watch window.

- Refreshrates(); Ask; Bid; will return Ask/Bid of the LAST incoming tick of the attached-to chart symbol as shown on Market Watch window.

So far, so good. What I would really like is a clarification of this statement (and I am also going to ask stringo in that thread...):

stringo 2007.03.09 11:37

Chart price is indicative data only. Exact price you will know after trading operation

1. Indicative in what sense? How does it work exactly?

2. Is there a secondary data stream that pushes only bar data (high/low/open/close) to each chart (for whatever timeframe that chart is at)?