Stop the CFTC proposal to change margin requirements from 100:1 to 10:1 !!!!


Hey all you U.S. forex traders. The CFTC has recently proposed -- last Wednesday-- from changing the margin requirements in forex from 100:1 to 10:1. This would have an enormous, negative impact on the US forex dealer industry and US retail traders. For example, to trade one lot of the gbp/usd would require about a 16,000.00+ margin under the new proposed regulation.

Write to:, David Stawick, to voice your opposition. Put Regulation of Retail Forex in the subject line, and reference RIN 3038-AC61 in the body of the e-mail. This smacks of the stock industry in Wall Street putting pressure on the government to change the regulations. Is it possible the stock industry is "jealous" and worried that millions of dollars have been going into forex trading, leaving less money to go into the hands of the crooks who manipulate the stock market? Are they worried that millions of people in the US and worldwide are becoming enlightened about the corruption that exists in their industry, that people have found a better alternative to trade their money in the forex, where manipulation of the market is virtually impossible?


Please, EVERYONE must send email and do everything possible to stop these wackos....If they are successful it will mean the end of Forex in the US. They have already severely wounded us with the 100 to 1 limit...FIFO and NO Hedge insanity.... Don't think just because it's only happening here.... YOU / YOUR Country won't be next!!.... (the US has a LOT of success making other countries do things.....) Why the Brokers are NFA members is beyond me.... it seems like the one group you WOULD NOT want to be associated the NFA is clearly going to bankrupt them....


"THEY" can do whatever "THEY" want.

no chance to stop them...

ok, a little chance, but people arent aware of what is going on, and therefore people feel free and happy and sitting on the fence.

the best slaves are those who feel to be free.