Why would an array that was filled with orders (information) be divided in half ? - page 2


simply zip your files... not necessary to upload more than one

I’m aware of zipping files up but it does make for a bit more hassles at both ends.

I have seen other’s postings with multiple files with one posting so I figure that there must be some way to do it.


‘Oh the Horror! The Horror!’


as you already have done a post in very very small lettersize, far away from what you state you can read, i know that you can post in normal lettersize without problems. i have made my conclusions about that ...

As far as reading the postings in the forum here, like my postings I copy and paste them into Word and significantly in size like my own so I can see them.

I feel so sorry for you that you have be subjected such terrible things like different fonts, sizes etc. !NOT


if you think you need to post in large letters, it would be nice from you, if you decide for one and only style.

it would make your posts more accessible for "normal" people like me.


‘Normal’ people don’t get angry and worry about such significant things.

If you get all bugged, bothered and aggravated about such a minor thing as this that you encounter occasionally, then you need to get help and get your priorities sorted out.


(your "postlayouts", besides of the lettersize are awfule as they can be - as a former prepressman i have the right to say that ;-) )


If this is the biggest problem in your life that you have, then you are living a very blessed life.

Don’t post anything again about fonts, it’s totally lame. If you need to then take it somewhere where they deal with such ‘personal issues’ at places like (OnLine) group therapy. Or see a Therapist, Psychologist or Psychiatrist to help you dealing with such terrible tramatization as this is for you.


Sheesh, give me and everyone else here a break and get a Life Meikel

PipMaker Info

‘Oh the Horror! The Horror!’

... quite possibly the first time someone has quoted Conrad / T. S. Eliot on this forum.


jjc wrote >>

... quite possibly the first time someone has quoted Conrad / T. S. Eliot on this forum.


Apocalypse Now’ was a great and powerful movie, and definitely on the surrealistic side. 1979 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078788/


Another excellent surrealistic movie that I really enjoyed, including its humor, was ‘Brazil’. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088846/


Another good one that fits in this category is: Dr. StrangeLove from 1964 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057012/


If you haven’t seen this one it is GREAT!: "The Mahabharata" (1989)

More at IMDbPro » http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097810/

If you can, get the 318 minute version rather than the 171 min one. But it is also an excellent production. This is done more like a very good theater production with excellent production values. They are in many languages and I believe that they are all done this way. More like a play than a movie. But they have done an excellent job of it and it is VERY good.


If you like Shakespeare, one that was fairly modern and benefited from the current movie making capacities, special effects and production values is a 1999 version of ‘A MidSummer Night’s Dreamhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0140379/


I’m not sure how old you are, but did you ever see the original ‘Mash’ movie? Most definitely worth seeing. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066026/


The original of The Manchurian Candidate

that was first released in 1962 is also very good: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056218/


If you’re fan of GOOD music of all types, here is one of THE best radio stations on the planet: Literally! It is non commercial, unformatted, has a huge following and volunteer base of listeners from all over the world that are very passionate about it: for good reason, as are the show hosts, many of whom are musicians themselves. They have assisted, and continue to help a large number of musicians get there careers launched and that were an important first step for many that otherwise wouldn't of had successful music careers . It is not 'formated' as most radio stations are now. No one tells them what to play and more importantly what they CAN'T play. They all select the music that they want to and that listeners request and want to hear. It has the largest or second largest music libraries in north America and one of the largest and most varied and comprehensive library in the world and plays music of ALL types. It is now on the web 24/7: ckua.com ‘ Eclectic music at it’s very best!’






it really hurts me,

that i cant find the maximum accaptable


for you, because you dont

want to use your correct browser settings.

i am so sad that you cant read my posts. you miss so much...



I might even be able to see that one without my glasses thanks. But please send me three nice new high quality flat wide screen monitors that I can put side to side so that I can see it all at once or at least make out enough of it that I can read it.

This board is starting to remind me of 4chan.

Now that was better, The first one wasn’t very effective as it was too big for me to read at all. And you even managed to get some color into it. There is hope for you yet Meikel. Maybe.

But seriously Meikel, you SHOULD get some help. I’m not saying this as an insult or to anger you. I mean it quite sincerely. Why does it bother you so much because something is a little bit different? What difference does it make to you or anyone else? The only person that it makes a difference to is me, which is why I do it. It is nothing, but look at how much it upsets you. Over nothing. It is NOT good for you, it has adverse, detrimental effects on you. Regardless of what the cause is. But to let something this insignificant upset you so much. Perhaps you should give it some thought and do some internal work on it so that such meaningless things don’t impact you in such a way. I hope you can.

If you know a way to have my eyeballs and lids constantly moist as they are supposed to be, and not completely dry which scratches the lenses on my eyes so that everything is all blurred and fuzzy, and HURTS me, believe me I would be VERY happy to not have this problem. The ways things are for me I would be doing it even if you were not here. I am not doing it just to spite, bother and upset you Meikel. So please don’t let it upset you so much.

It is difficult enough for me to make it out when it is 18 points. If I was only doing it for a couple of minutes or so, I could manage, but when I am on here for many hours it is almost impossible.

I hope you can just let it go and not let it bother you. If you cannot and it continues to upset you so much, then please don’t look at my postings. Which is too bad. You know a lot about what I need and am trying to do and learn and could help me a lot; which is what you try and DO here. Which IS very nice of you.

I don’t like to cause anyone or anything any distress or harm anything in any way. It is the way I am. Partly because it is my personality, but also because it is the way I want to be and I am by choice and free will. Except for mosquitoes, if I find a bug where I live but don’t want it here and it is summer and warm outside, then I try to catch it and let it free outside instead of killing it. So it DOES upset and distress me that it upsets and bothers you so much. It is not good for anyone including you or me. So please just try and completely ignore me and my postings. I like and respect that you are trying to assist and help others including me even though it bothers you so much. But I do not wish to cause you any anguish or distress. So if it does, please just ignore my postings completely so that you are not upset by them, which does make me sad. But if that is what it takes for it not to bother and upset you so much, then just pretend that I am not even here and don’t look at my postings.

Goodbye Meikel, good luck and be well.