can you rewind ticks in strategy tester?

I'm trying to debug an indicator and and have been using the Strategy Tester along with the data window to try and get the exact values at specific events in my indicator. There is a balancing act between the speed you play time forward and the ability to click pause on the exact tick that triggered an event... I keep missing it and end up re starting the test... is it possible to pause and then rewind the tester to get the exact tick that I want? I can't find any info to say you can. I hope it's possible... debugging is like pulling teeth as it is. Thanks for any help.
Viffer wrote >>
I'm trying to debug an indicator and and have been using the Strategy Tester along with the data window to try and get the exact values at specific events in my indicator. There is a balancing act between the speed you play time forward and the ability to click pause on the exact tick that triggered an event... I keep missing it and end up re starting the test... is it possible to pause and then rewind the tester to get the exact tick that I want? I can't find any info to say you can. I hope it's possible... debugging is like pulling teeth as it is. Thanks for any help.

Adda Print() function temporarily to the code to log the value of the tick that triggeres your event. Then you can simply look up the event in the log file and see the value of you tick :-)



Adda Print() function temporarily to the code to log the value of the tick that triggeres your event. Then you can simply look up the event in the log file and see the value of you tick :-)


Thanks for that. That will solve it.