metatrade chart bug whit widen spread??? it damages my EA...please help!!!


Hihi guys

My metatrader charts are based on Bid quote so the highest lowest open and close of previous bar is highest Bid, lowest Ask ...etc. When my broker wide the spread from 2 pips to 40 before Fed for example (EURUSD) and there is no significant move, lest assume that there where no move for one minute so high, low open close should be = 1.4400 but metatrader show me on chart low[0]1.4380. My EA is going crazy!! I know i can program is spread>2pips do nothing but it does not work in testing mode and in realtime mode when spread is ok my EA recognize last bar open[1]-low[1]>20*Point but there were no move!!! Can somebody help me??? Maybe its easy but I cannot find...I would like to see high[i]= highest mid nod Bid etc...Please help me frds

ladygaga wrote >>

Hihi guys

My metatrader charts are based on Bid quote so the highest lowest open and close of previous bar is highest Bid, lowest Ask ...etc. When my broker wide the spread from 2 pips to 40 before Fed for example (EURUSD) and there is no significant move, lest assume that there where no move for one minute so high, low open close should be = 1.4400 but metatrader show me on chart low[0]1.4380. My EA is going crazy!! I know i can program is spread>2pips do nothing but it does not work in testing mode and in realtime mode when spread is ok my EA recognize last bar open[1]-low[1]>20*Point but there were no move!!! Can somebody help me??? Maybe its easy but I cannot find...I would like to see high[i]= highest mid nod Bid etc...Please help me frds

MarketInfo( Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD)



MarketInfo( Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD)


that function tells me what is the current spread and only that when You turn on your metatarder and last bar is open=close=high and low is 20 pips below that how do you know if the price was 20 pips below or that spread was widen one bar ago????

ladygaga wrote >>

that function tells me what is the current spread and only that when You turn on your metatarder and last bar is open=close=high and low is 20 pips below that how do you know if the price was 20 pips below or that spread was widen one bar ago????

As far as I am aware you can only tell what the spread is now. If you wnat to know what the spread was 1 hour (or what ever time) ago, then you would have had to check what it was at that time (using the same function) and log that in a file that you can now lookup.

Your broker reserves the right to change the spread at any time in accordance to the market conditions. This means that you can also not predict what the spread will be in the future.



As far as I am aware you can only tell what the spread is now. If you wnat to know what the spread was 1 hour (or what ever time) ago, then you would have had to check what it was at that time (using the same function) and log that in a file that you can now lookup.

Your broker reserves the right to change the spread at any time in accordance to the market conditions. This means that you can also not predict what the spread will be in the future.



MarketInfo( Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD)


that function tells me what is the current spread and only that when You turn on your metatarder and last bar is open=close=high and low is 20 pips below that how do you know if the price was 20 pips below or that spread was widen one bar ago????


As far as I am aware you can only tell what the spread is now. If you wnat to know what the spread was 1 hour (or what ever time) ago, then you would have had to check what it was at that time (using the same function) and log that in a file that you can now lookup.

Your broker reserves the right to change the spread at any time in accordance to the market conditions. This means that you can also not predict what the spread will be in the future.


OK to everything does not make sense, why metatrader make candles or bars with Bid not with mid price?????

if I use some indicators and low and high values for last 100 bars and my broker widen spread for even one second, during the 100 bars I cannot make any deal because that one bar is fake....

ladygaga: I cannot make any deal because that one bar is fake....

if only one bar is fake of 100 bars, you may have a good dealer, LOL

ladygaga wrote >>

that function tells me what is the current spread and only that when You turn on your metatarder and last bar is open=close=high and low is 20 pips below that how do you know if the price was 20 pips below or that spread was widen one bar ago????

OK to everything does not make sense, why metatrader make candles or bars with Bid not with mid price?????

if I use some indicators and low and high values for last 100 bars and my broker widen spread for even one second, during the 100 bars I cannot make any deal because that one bar is fake....

There is a upshot to all this. MT4 allows you to write your own indicators! So if you don't liek the way the indicators work your can create your own.

So if your trading strategy requires the mid point between Bid and Ask, then write your indicators accordingly.


I always thought Ask=Bid+spread. Can anyone confirm that Ask=true+spread/2 Bid=true-spread/2
I always thought Ask=Bid+spread. Can anyone confirm that Ask=true+spread/2 Bid=true-spread/2

I cannot belive that people trade via this platform and nobody has noticed that so far... Its a serious problem I open my metatrader I see that one bar ago market was seroius down and now is ok and I dont know if that was widen spread ar that was plunged for a while...

How do You write and use your EA - You cannot conrol it... I have seen today that when You use Bloomberg eurusd intraday chart You see only mid and it is OK, when I see chart in metatarder which is ploted by Bid, before economic data I see 20 pips plunge...but market did not move!!! Now its clear why most of retail traders lose their money all the time, without good quality platform You can only lose... Good luck with charts plotted by Bid...


I cannot belive that people trade via this platform and nobody has noticed that so far... Its a serious problem I open my metatrader I see that one bar ago market was seroius down and now is ok and I dont know if that was widen spread ar that was plunged for a while...

How do You write and use your EA - You cannot conrol it... I have seen today that when You use Bloomberg eurusd intraday chart You see only mid and it is OK, when I see chart in metatarder which is ploted by Bid, before economic data I see 20 pips plunge...but market did not move!!! Now its clear why most of retail traders lose their money all the time, without good quality platform You can only lose... Good luck with charts plotted by Bid...


There is a upshot to all this. MT4 allows you to write your own indicators! So if you don't liek the way the indicators work your can create your own.

So if your trading strategy requires the mid point between Bid and Ask, then write your indicators accordingly.



I know that I can use my own or other indicator and use mid, its great but the problem is that indicator is based on data, and data is faked, unreal, if You use iMa(low prices) Your MA will be totaly flawed... and If You use something like that: close order is low[0] < low[1] and low[0] < low[2] ... low[0] < low[10] Your EA is worth nothing... Belive me if You want to trader and such little details like bid chart doesnt matter, You will lose everything...I see eurusd flat chart 5 min bars then nice doji and then flat again...and what was that??? widen spread??? 30 pips plunge ??? or what??? I dont know... and my all indicators based now are flawed because they also dont know what was that ...nobody knows...

Good luck with such data quality...



loved your last release, ace video :)

Re MetaTrader - Bid & Ask are always available, they will (on NDD brokers) always be liable to move independently

So I know if either reaches a certain level and act accordingly as relevant

Mid-point only is a false picture, all is dynamic in the market, its not supposed to be tidy so my EA's use that movement

