New Year means a new beginning and I want to give out. - page 3


This goes to show how dumb people can get.
If you have questions and don't know the answer to it; e.g., such as who invented the light bulb?


AND THEN, the answers are there.

WHY REPEAT same questions that have answers to them already?

Ok ckingher.
Thanks for the un-necessarily long-winded responses. Edison it was.
I checked your profile Found your website
And noticed this quote:

Please select 'OTHER FOREX SERVICE PROVIDERS' from the top left menu for further information. And if you still need more info, please today.
Below are inspirations that all members should live by:
1) Nothing worthwhile in life is a guaranteed. But you will never know what you can accomplish if you don't try.
2) Unless you are really overpaid, work is nothing more than a rat race where you become dependent and stuck.
3) To be wealthy, you got to be willing to go the extra miles and take the path where 95% of majority fail.
4) If first you don't succeed, don't try something new and compound your failure frustrations. Perservere because you have passion and you will succeed like Ben Franklin on his 100th light bulbs.

Check your last sentence. Now who's the dummy? As you say "SEARCH CAREFULLY. AND READ CAREFULLY."

And to quote from your last posts "The focus should be on FOREX and MT4 and MT5." I couldn't agree more (apart from the fact that this forum is about MT4 only) - so PLEASE ckingher have a look through your posts to this forum and keep your amateur psychology away from us. No one is interested. As you've most likely discovered via your website.



Thanks for checking my website.
And thanks for the caring.

However, I ain't changing what I wrote.
The intention is to grab people's attention.

My site is about Forex; the light bulb thing is humor to grab customer only.
Thanks for visiting though.

Oh the irony...

This is an excellent case in point. You can search and you can get an answer. But that doesn't mean your answer is right. It depends on how you frame your question.

Who invented the lightbulb? Well...

Sir Humphry Davey - 1802 - First demonstration of electric light. He called it an Arc Lamp but we know it best as a florecent tube.

Sir Johseph Swan 1878 - Worlds first incandecent light bulb and his house was the first in the world to be lit by a lightbulb.

Thomas Edison 1879- First commercially viable lightbulb discovering how to make the bulb last longer

So who invented the lightbulb?....

I agree that there are a lot of posts on this forum from freeloaders to people who can't be bothered (please fix this... please code that...). But there are also a number from people (like myself I hope) who sometimes don't know how to frame the question and can search and search but still not get the right answer. We fall back on resources like this forum, because somtimes we just need a nudge in the right direction.

CB - Thankyou for all you have contributed to this forum. I have found your posts very helpful. And as a rule, I think you distinguish well between those asking for a nudge and those asking for a free lunch.

ckingher- To be honest, I'm less convinced. What you did to leftless is unecessary.

If you can't / don't want to help, don't post. Freeloader's posts will drift harmlesly into oblivian.
LOL CB +10