New Year means a new beginning and I want to give out. - page 2



Plese read carefully. I said I give up. I prefer keeping my success to myself. you went from being Mr. Altruistic "for the good of everyone in the world!!!" to "f'ckem all! its all about me! me! me!" just because ONE person noticed your posting pace and guardedly questioned your motive? Wow. You should check with a doctor, that's a pretty serious bipolar disorder you got there. Seriously.


Plese read carefully. I said I give up. I prefer keeping my success to myself.

I did read it carefully.
The fact that you've decided to keep your success to yourself and away from this forum is a result in my book.


1005phillip wrote >> you went from being Mr. Altruistic "for the good of everyone in the world!!!" to "f'ckem all! its all about me! me! me!" just because ONE person noticed your posting pace and guardedly questioned your motive? Wow. You should check with a doctor, that's a pretty serious bipolar disorder you got there. Seriously.

Who ask for your opinion? I wonder who really have the bipolar disorder?
Additionally, envy and jealousy disorder should be added also.

For all future readers, please email to for informations, comments, etc.....

And for the newbies that don't have the website for FREE EA, here it is:

The first and only one replying to his message is InvestDad. It's odd but I really can't find any of his other posts; it's like he joined this forum with the sole purpose of promoting your blog and strangely he speaks English as well as he does. Seriously, how hard is it to create a new user? ckingher! maybe you should have mentioned the name of your blog before starting to call everyone a newbie for not knowing it's name(WTF????). I think the only newbie here is YOU mister; and phillip is right you ARE sick! Good luck with your next username. Try not to blow your cover next time :) See how this generous, loving person whose destiny is to help people replies to this poor guy

farhang wrote >>

See how this generous, loving person whose destiny is to help people replies to this poor guy

No wonder the forexfactory folks are deleting his posts...if they are equally incendiary, erm I mean "helpful", then it really comes as a huge surprise they would be deleted...


Wow! And you are certainly making a huge difference with your blah, blah, blah....
You need to be careful because perception and opinion works both ways....

LOL.... Are we getting dumber and dumber or what????
I wonder who is the real dummie....

Ok, talking about dummies ckingher, here's a question for you?

Who invented the light bulb? (bear with me on this one everybody)


Let me see,

It was George Washington; nah, he was president.
It was Louis Pasteur; nah, he was a scientist.
It was Gregory Mendel; nah, he was a monk studying genetic.
It was Ben Franklin; nah, he studied electricty. Maybe, it was Benjamin Franklin.
However, Thomas Edison my high school was the real INVENTOR.
I am the source of light. I am the sun. Therefore, you must be a dark cloud.

Ha! I could not careless. If I wanted to learn such stupid thing that has nothing do with Forex, I probably look it up on the ONLINE encyclopedia.

Therefore, get a life everybody. Boredom can make people senile and stupid.
The focus should be on FOREX and MT4 and MT5.
Get it.