Metalang.exe hangs, won't compile, reboot PC needed


I have a problem tht has been with me for nearly a year.

Two things changed -- new PC with 12gig ram, and Vista (was XP), now Win7.

MT4 is installed at M:\MT4\ and not in C:\Program Files to avoid virtualization issues.

Also, multiple MT4 installations are sharing one \experts and subfolders via NTFS junction.


In the beginning, all is well.

After some period of time, Compile does not complete.

Restart MT4 does not fix the problem.

metalang.exe does not finish or fail and exit.

Restart MT4 or Metaeditor does not help.

Running a different MT4 and Metaeditor and Metalang.exe gives same problem.

If mqlcache.dat files are deleted, and MT4 restarted, there will be multiple "hung" metalang.exe. Normally, it would run and exit for each source file to be recompiled.

The only way I have found to recover from this problem is to reboot the PC.


I will attach screenshots next time the problem occurs.

My thought is that it may be related to memory address space, when metalang.exe is loaded into 4giga+ memory location. Not sure how this works.

This is with v225 MT4. It occurred on an earlier version, also.


My thought is that it may be related to memory address space, when metalang.exe is loaded into 4giga+ memory location. Not sure how this works.

This is with v225 MT4. It occurred on an earlier version, also.

I occasionally get the same thing on XP, 4GB RAM, build 223 or earlier.

I compile most things with build 220 of metalang.exe, for increased compatibility with differing builds, using a batch file. I've never had a problem when doing that. I've only ever had the problem when using an instance of metalang.exe launched from terminal.exe. My personal hypothesis would be some sort of IPC hang with metalang.exe trying to tell terminal.exe that it's updated an .ex4 file and the Navigator pane potentially needs to be rebuilt. Like you, I've also tried terminating metalang.exe etc, and I've also found nothing which solves it other than a reboot.


no need to reboot, open the taskmanager and kill terminal.exe

it really doesnt shut down everytime, even if it disappears from the screen.

mt4 eats memory like a wraith eats lives...

never satisfied, even with xxxx GB Ram.

i shutdown mt4 after every 2-4 runs in tester, and control if it is really shutdown with the taskmanager....


no need to reboot, open the taskmanager and kill terminal.exe

Tried that. Doesn't solve the problem with metalang.exe hanging. At least, not for me. I assume phy has tried the same thing.

EDIT: In fact, phy explicitly says that he's tried restarting terminal.exe and that it doesn't help.

ok, i guess mt4 is a russian miracle/riddle ;-)

As you are sharing folders, it is probably a file sharing/locking problem you are encountering. Windows has a weird and wonderful way of hanging on to open file handles, even when seemingly all relevant processes have been terminated. Though this doesn't explain fully why in the beginning, all is well.

One thing is probably for certain, when they wrote the software, they were writing it for a one-installation and no sharing in mind.


I realize I am using it in a slightly unconventional manner... But it is good as any change in source/ex4 propagates to each install.

I even wrote it up...

It's working fine still, as of this writing, but will eventually fail...


It certainly is simple and useful. So from your (was XP) comment, it wasn't a problem with XP?

I think there is an article on this site about a another approach to sync folders across installations, but it wasn't that simple so I never got round to finish reading it.


XP machine was 64bit with XP-64-Pro but had 3 gig memory, can't remember now if it was a problem then or not.

It may have been, but that was very close to the time that PC was laid to rest, and I entered the brave new world of Vista (and now Win7).

You disabled UAC for the trader. Since Visa, programs aren't allowed to write to "\Program Files"
Since Visa, programs aren't allowed to write to "\Program Files"

Strictly speaking, I think it's down to the combination of file permissions, and the user (strictly, the process) not having administrator rights included in its token unless (a) UAC is turned off, or (b) they confirm the UAC prompt. The solution which has always worked for me when playing with Vista and Windows 7 has been to change the file permissions, e.g.