Have you ever been banned or warned by a moderator and you think it was unfair or selective? - page 2

I remember - it was long time ago on some other forum - I placed wrong password 5 times and the system banned me. After that I wrote to admin "please help - I banned myself now". He replied to me: "lift banning ... by the way - you made my day".
They can if they have additional IDs  
:O isn't against the rules ?


one person who voted was banned by all moderators   

tonny, is that you?

Unfortunately if you start a poll you cant vote on it. So too bad i cant vote on this poll despite my numerous unfair and selective bannings :-\.
:O isn't against the rules ?
angevoyageur deletes my comments or polls unethically when he loses in a healthy argument
he loses what? :)
he loses what? :)
When there is an argument about something and im on the otherside of the divide winning the argument or maybe we decide to take it to the polls and it starts leaning away from his side it suddenly disappears. Look at my polls several good ones have been deleted by this guy due to his difference in opinion and some of my comments too. I dont want to start an argument here but i just want it to stop.

I do not know about those discussions you are talking about. But from what I see - you created some polls and you do not need some of them (polls) personally ... seems - you are making self promotion (promoting yourself). Because moderators here are acting on the same way as any other members ... 

  • If moderator is doing mistake (according to your opinion) - you see it and you are making your disagreement in public way
  • If you are doing mistake so you are not allowing anyone to make public disagreement againt it

I think - it is not honest way of the business (posting or whetever) doing.

You followed (attacked) me during the many weeks since I came to this forum ... and I never banned you for this reason ... so, please, let's be more honest concerning what we are doing in intl' environment. 

When there is an argument about something and im on the otherside of the divide winning the argument or maybe we decide to take it to the polls and it starts leaning away from his side it suddenly disappears. Look at my polls several good ones have been deleted by this guy due to his difference in opinion and some of my comments too. I dont want to start an argument here but i just want it to stop.
Besides, I do not like trolls ... and I do not like to feed them ... :) so ... please - stop by yourself
How comes its only one moderator doing it while the other moderators see nothing wrong in it and even join the discussion sometimes. Then after like 5 or more days is when it is removed. Its like hes got something personal. I think this topic is good for people to sort issues out with moderators once and for all.