Des questions en français - will not be supported and may be deleted


Bonjour, je veux simplement ouvrir un topic pour ceux et celles qui veulent poser leurs question en francais et veulent des réponses en francais.

Pas toujours évident de traduire les termes de trader, programmeur, et le jargon MQL alors je crois que si nous nous réunissons sous un même topic, nous pourrons probablement nous répondre entre nous ou du moins nous entraider.

Parfois la langue peut être un frein à la programmation du EA profitable...

S'il y a des membres qui parle français sur ce forum il serait interressant qu'ils se manifestent si interêt il y a.

Merci, et bonne programmation.


babylon post
meikel wrote >>
babylon post

c'est quoi ca babylon post ?


i guess you mean "what do you mean with babylon post ?" ;-)

dont you know the story of the babylon tower ? to much languages and noone understand the other anymore ?

shall i start with german posts ? the confusion would be goiong up with each new language.

your english is good, and your posts are good, and maybe i am not the only one who wants to understand your posts.

and the other issue is, that the mod/webmaster is responsible for posts in some way.

and therefore he has to be able to read them.

you cannot expect that a webmaster is a multilanguage genius.

in other forums, postings with other languages are deleted normally


meikel wrote >>

i guess you mean "what do you mean with babylon post ?" ;-)

dont you know the story of the babylon tower ? to much languages and noone understand the other anymore ?

shall i start with german posts ? the confusion would be goiong up with each new language.

your english is good, and your posts are good, and maybe i am not the only one who wants to understand your posts.

and the other issue is, that the mod/webmaster is responsible for posts in some way.

and therefore he has to be able to read them.

you cannot expect that a webmaster is a multilanguage genius.

in other forums, postings with other languages are deleted normally


maybe, but what you dont know is that it takes me about 10 minutes to coorect my mistakes when i do write in english and i always be carefull not to write thing that we say in french in some manier but in english as no sence to be sure no one think i am impolite


maybe, but what you dont know is that it takes me about 10 minutes to coorect my mistakes when i do write in english and i always be carefull not to write thing that we say in french in some manier but in english as no sence to be sure no one think i am impolite

after some time of reading english, you begin to think in english and havent to translate anymore your french language thoughts to english.

you simply write your english language thoughts down.

it works.

and in the meantime, only bad guys, to express me kindly, fix on some mistakes.

in the last 5 years i have shared a lot english language based forums, all with international members, but only one time i had a real big language gap and offended someone unintentionally.

simply write... the good guys will always try to understand you in the best way ;-)


Moi je suis la !!!!! Je viens de commencer a programmer et c vrai que certaines notions sont difficile à appréhender dans la langue de shakespear...surtout pour des debutants ; les traductions de google sont généralistes et ne sont pas toujours adapté au domaine spécifique de l' algo-trading... mais je vais faire l' effort de poster en français et en anglais ...

Here !!!!! I just started programming and it's true that many concepts are difficult to understand in shakespear language... especially for beginners ; google translations are generalists and are not always adapted to the specific area of the algo-trading ... but I'll make the effort to post in French and English ...

Tres bien Kris, merci d'avoir repondu a mon appel, j'espere que tu ne sera pas le seul !!!

Je ne suis pas ici pour vous contredire, je trouve que c'est un belle effort de votre part. Quand j'ai commencer sur le web, je cherchais tout en français et a vrai dire, je ne trouvais pas souvent de réponse. Depuis j'ai commencé à visité des site web en anglais. Ce n'était pas facile au début, mais ça vient plus vite que l'on pense. Depuis un certain temps, je pense en anglais et quand j'écrit en français, la moitié de la phrase est en anglais. Je n'ai rien contre le français, mais juste le français c'est ce limité.

Il faut juste retenir ceci:

web = english

business = english

trading = english

Si vous avez besoins d'aide, je suis disponible.

Good Luck!



Moi aussi j' espère parce que j' ai beaucoup de questions; j' ai l'impression qu'il y a peu info sur Mql4 en français ; c' est une très bonne initiative... c' est quoi tes source d' informations et depuis quand tu programmes ...???

Me too I hope because I have many questions, I have the impression that there is little information on MQL4 in French, Gachette it is a very good initiative ... what 's your source of information and since how many time you programms... ...???


Me too I hope because I have many questions, I have the impression that there is little information on MQL4 in French, Gachette it is a very good initiative ... what 's your source of information and since how many time you programms... ...???

but i think that there are thousands of french websites, that help everyone how to open an own forum in french, no matter what topic.

why dont open a french MQ4 forum ?