How to stop this indicator giving me repeated alerts - page 2


Thanks guys,

Sorry for all the trouble. Really know nuts about programming and I took it at face value that CONDITION MEANT CONDITION

'alert.allowed' - variable not defined C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4 at - Copy\experts\indicators\###Price Crosses MA (Alert).mq4 (98, 81)

I got this

How would I define the variable?


Should I add:

int alert.allowed=0;



I tried adding this at the beginning:

But i still get alerts every touch

int alert.allowed;

and at the alert portion I changed it to this:

ma = iMA(Symbol(), Period(), MA_Period, 0, MA_Type, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
if (Close[0] >= ma + (Crossed_Pips * Point) && state != 1 && CurTime() >= alert.allowed) {
alert.allowed = Time[0] + Period(); // No more alerts this bar
//alert.allowed = CurTime() + 5*60; // No more alerts for 5 minutes
Alert("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2));
SendMail("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2),"H: " + iHigh(NULL, 0, 0) + " L: " + iLow(NULL, 0, 0) + " C: " + iClose(NULL, 0, 0));

}else if (Close[0] <= ma - (Crossed_Pips * Point) && state != -1 && CurTime() >= alert.allowed) {
alert.allowed = Time[0] + Period(); // No more alerts this bar
//alert.allowed = CurTime() + 5*60; // No more alerts for 5 minutes
Alert("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2));
SendMail("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2),"H: " + iHigh(NULL, 0, 0) + " L: " + iLow(NULL, 0, 0) + " C: " + iClose(NULL, 0, 0));




Err as you guys suggested: I put in some leg work but did not get it working.

I tried this code but when I add the indicator to the chart, it alerts me immediately no matter whether price has hit the EMA or not and following that it never alerts again.

How can I make it not alert me everytime I add it to a new chart or change the time frame and alert only once and once it alerts, it will stop alerting till I delete and re add the indicator back to the chart?

Please assist:

//| MA Cross Arrows.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2006 |
#property copyright ""
#property link ""

//Crossed_Pips: If you want to delay until price has crossed x pips from MA, set it to x. Set to 0 for instant alert.
//MA_Type: Moving Average Type. 0 = Simple, 1 = Exponential, 2 = Smooth, 3 = Weighted
//MA_Period: Moving Average Period (bars).

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 Wheat
#property indicator_color2 White
#property indicator_color3 Red

extern int Crossed_Pips = 0;
extern int MA_Period = 5;
extern int MA_Type = 1;
extern int Shift_Bars=0;
extern int Bars_Count= 1000;
int state;

//---- buffers
double v1[];
double v2[];
double v3[];

int AlreadyAlertedFlag = false;
int init()


SetIndexDrawBegin(1,MA_Period * 2);
SetIndexBuffer(0, v1);

SetIndexDrawBegin(1,MA_Period * 2);
SetIndexBuffer(1, v2);

SetIndexDrawBegin(1,MA_Period * 2);
SetIndexBuffer(2, v3);



int start()
double ma;
int previous;
int i;
int shift;
bool crossed_up, crossed_down;
int totalBars = Bars - (MA_Period * 2);

if (Bars_Count > 0 && Bars_Count <= totalBars)
i = Bars_Count;
}else if(totalBars <= 0 ) {
i = totalBars;

shift = i + Shift_Bars;
ma = iMA(Symbol(), Period(), MA_Period, 0, MA_Type, PRICE_CLOSE, shift);
crossed_up = High[shift] >= (ma + (Crossed_Pips * Point));
crossed_down = Low[shift] <= (ma - (Crossed_Pips * Point));

v1[i] = NULL;
v2[i] = NULL;
v3[i] = ma;
if (crossed_up && previous != 1) {
v1[i] = ma + (Crossed_Pips * Point);
previous = 1;
}else if(crossed_down && previous != 2){
v2[i] = ma - (Crossed_Pips * Point);
previous = 2;


ma = iMA(Symbol(), Period(), MA_Period, 0, MA_Type, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
if (Close[0] >= ma + (Crossed_Pips * Point) && state != 1 && AlreadyAlertedFlag == false){
Alert("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2));
SendMail("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2),"H: " + iHigh(NULL, 0, 0) + " L: " + iLow(NULL, 0, 0) + " C: " + iClose(NULL, 0, 0));
AlreadyAlertedFlag = true;

}else if (Close[0] <= ma - (Crossed_Pips * Point) && state != -1 && AlreadyAlertedFlag == false){
Alert("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2));
SendMail("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2),"H: " + iHigh(NULL, 0, 0) + " L: " + iLow(NULL, 0, 0) + " C: " + iClose(NULL, 0, 0));
AlreadyAlertedFlag = true;




void watermark()
ObjectCreate("fxfisherman", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText("fxfisherman", "", 11, "Lucida Handwriting", RoyalBlue);
ObjectSet("fxfisherman", OBJPROP_CORNER, 2);
ObjectSet("fxfisherman", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
ObjectSet("fxfisherman", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 10);

Anyone can help? :)
Anyone can help on this instead as the coding I tried to do screws up the signals .. not too sure why ...
tradertt wrote >>
Anyone can help on this instead as the coding I tried to do screws up the signals .. not too sure why ...

ma = iMA(Symbol(), Period(), MA_Period, 0, MA_Type, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
if (Close[0] >= ma + (Crossed_Pips * Point) && state != 1 && AlreadyAlertedFlag == false){
//Alert("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2));
//SendMail("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2),"H: " + iHigh(NULL, 0, 0) + " L: " + iLow(NULL, 0, 0) + " C: " + iClose(NULL, 0, 0));
AlreadyAlertedFlag = true;

}else if (Close[0] <= ma - (Crossed_Pips * Point) && state != -1 && AlreadyAlertedFlag == false){
//Alert("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2));
//SendMail("150EMA Touched " + Symbol() + " TF " + Period() + " Date " + TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, 0, 0) | 2),"H: " + iHigh(NULL, 0, 0) + " L: " + iLow(NULL, 0, 0) + " C: " + iClose(NULL, 0, 0));
AlreadyAlertedFlag = true;

put // before (Alert) and if u want also before (SendMail)

that's all


Errr I want it to alert me on first touch of the EMA.

If I put // before the alert and sendmail, it will not have any alerts right?

But the problem is that it keeps alerting me every pip it touches the EMA.

Can I make it so that it alerts only once?

I tried using Already alerted flag = true but I am not sure why when I attached the indicator to the chart, it immediately alerts once even if price is 10000 pips away from the EMA
