Backtesting it's a joke? - page 3

[...] Where there is smoke there usually fire. [...]

They have other reasons which are technical in nature for their dislike of scalpers. It's not because scalpers win more. They don't. In fact I have never seen any scalping system work for more than a few months at most. By their very nature they trade within the noise level, which is more like a RW than anything else (hence it can't be won)... It's just pure luck. (AFIK, IMHO, etc.).


Just curious, does anybody manage to do a backtesting offline?

You can try this ->

They have other reasons which are technical in nature for their dislike of scalpers. It's not because scalpers win more. They don't. In fact I have never seen any scalping system work for more than a few months at most. By their very nature they trade within the noise level, which is more like a RW than anything else (hence it can't be won)... It's just pure luck. (AFIK, IMHO, etc.).

I read somewhere that the preferred method of Bank traders is Scalping. Do you disagree with that? Would you also count a Bank Scalper as unsuccessful after a few months? I'm aware of their advantages like superior execution speeds and 0 spreads. So somehow they have No-Technical issues filling their scalping orders but do for mine. I smell fowl-play (IMHO). Somehow I doubt if I was losing money scalping, they would ban me. (IMHO).
I read somewhere that the preferred method of Bank traders is Scalping. [...]
I think what you're talking about is orders of magnitude different. The most credible estimate I've heard is that 80% of forex liquidity is institutional algo trading, and 80% of that is very short-term. However, I've been at seminars where people have described institutional systems reputedly placing up to 10,000 trades per day. That is indeed "scalping" in the sense of looking for very small amounts of profit, but it's miles away from anything you could achieve as a retail customer, using a trading platform such as MT4.

I read somewhere that the preferred method of Bank traders is Scalping. Do you disagree with that?
HFT short-term trades has nothing to do with what u refer to as 'scalping'. They don't trade against small-time retail-oriented Market Maker brokers... The comparison is irrelevant. I completely agree with jjc, u can't achieve this with MT4. HFT is a completely different ball game. I stand by my remarks - the reason Market Makers don't like scalpers has nothing to do with how much they win or lose.