Does StrToDouble() return only 4 digits?


When I try to convert string "1.12345" to a double I receive 1.1235 as a result (only 4 digits after point and the number is rounded). Is it possible to convert the string to a double without truncating and rounding like this:

double Price = StrToDouble("1.12345");

// Price = 1.12345 instead of 1.1235


When I try to convert string "1.12345" to a double I receive 1.1235 as a result (only 4 digits after point and the number is rounded). Is it possible to convert the string to a double without truncating and rounding like this:

double Price = StrToDouble("1.12345");

// Price = 1.12345 instead of 1.1235

I see I need to change default formatting for display. The number is converted properly. Sorry for bother.


When I try to convert string "1.12345" to a double I receive 1.1235 as a result (only 4 digits after point and the number is rounded). Is it possible to convert the string to a double without truncating and rounding like this:

double Price = StrToDouble("1.12345");

// Price = 1.12345 instead of 1.1235

When you try to convert "1.12345" you will receive 1.12345 as a result. There is no any truncation or rounding.

The problem is that you are using the standard output with 4 significant digits.

For example, code:

#include <stdlib.mqh>
int start()
  { double Price = StrToDouble("1.12345");
    Alert("Standard output:",Price,", 8-digits:",DoubleToStr(Price,8),", 15-digits:",DoubleToStrMorePrecision(Price,15));
will output:

Standard output:1.1235, 8-digits:1.12345000, 15-digits:1.123450000000000

So if you want to control the values it is better to use the functions DoubleToStr and DoubleToStrMorePrecision (see stdlib.mqh)

Thank you for thorough explanation. I used NormalizeDouble instead of DoubleToStr for the display and it looks fine as well.