Arrays - one or two questions

One or two questions about arrays, if someone would have the kindness to suggest answers. The doc is fairly economical on the subject. I could write code to find and test but it all takes time ..

When one creates an array, what is its default ArraySetAsSeries status?

Are my embellishments to the ArraySetAsSeries doc below (in upper case) correct ?
"if the "set" parameter has the true value, the array will be indexed, numbered, in a reversed, MT4, order, i.e., the last element has a zero index.
the false value sets a standard, C, indexing order, i.e., the first element has a zero index. "
"First" and "last" are not totally unambiguous there.

Then where in a program should one resize an array which is to grow every bar? In start(), obviously, but inside or outside the i loop? If the former, one would use an if (NewBar() test, presumably.

Finally, after resizing such an array, is it necessary to shift all the contents back one element?

I've written an indi using a couple of dynamically growing arrays and haven't bothered with ArraySetAsSeries or shifting: it works, but before writing another, it would be nice to know if it's on a slippery slope !

Happy pippin'
