Looking for Help with a little bit of Math


I hope someone out there can help me with my math problem. First of all I have zero math skills and don’t know the first thing about Trigonometry, Geometry and Algebra.

What I have is a virtual grid that is 404.97 units long and 404.97 units tall, with 0, 0 at the lower left of the grid. On this virtual grid is a rectangle with these coordinates;

Top Left X/Y = 3.00, 269.98

Top Right X/Y = 17.28, 269.98

Bottom Left X/Y = 3.00, 134.99

Bottom Right X/Y = 17.28, 134.99

What I am looking for is a function where I pass the X, Y starting coordinates of a line, the angle of that line and a position along the X axis. Where the X/Y starting coordinates equal zero angle and what the functions returns is the point on the Y axis where the X axis line intersects with the angle line.

I hope this is a clear explanation of what I am looking for and that for the math gurus this would be a quick and easy function for you to write.

Thank you for your Help



here is an example that I hope clears up my question.

Thank you for your Time




May be this can help you
