Business Opportunity



I build and sell companies for a living although I am now in semi-retirement. I now trade Forex. I am looking to develop EA's and Marketing websites in the UK and Europe but need a Partner with (or even get access to) a UK based Developer of MQL4 with EA expertise and preferably knowledge of or access to someone who can modify Wordpress websites. I'd prefer to Partner with smeone who has skin in the game rather than develop EA's that are either useless, easily copied or have already been tried. Please let me know, kind regards



I build and sell companies for a living although I am now in semi-retirement. I now trade Forex. I am looking to develop EA's and Marketing websites in the UK and Europe but need a Partner with (or even get access to) a UK based Developer of MQL4 with EA expertise and preferably knowledge of or access to someone who can modify Wordpress websites. I'd prefer to Partner with smeone who has skin in the game rather than develop EA's that are either useless, easily copied or have already been tried. Please let me know, kind regards


There something I don't get in your message, so let me ask you a question in order to understand: you haven't develop an EA, you are not offering a Marketing service as far as I understand, so what do you intend to bring in this partnership ?



... rather than develop EA's that are either useless, easily copied or have already been tried. Please let me know, kind regards

The only people you are going to attract are exactly those you have described.

People that have developed EA's that are sucessful dont' need you.


The only people you are going to attract are exactly those you have described.

People that have developed EA's that are sucessful dont' need you.

Have to agree with that assessment. People with a successful EA don't need to build a company, they already have the few kilobytes they need to succeed.


Jacques366 wrote >>


There something I don't get in your message, so let me ask you a question in order to understand: you haven't develop an EA, you are not offering a Marketing service as far as I understand, so what do you intend to bring in this partnership ?


I have a developed signals that I want to automate. I have and will offer a Marketing service, kind regards

if you do it because you need money from other people, then dont do it better this signals services and go better working a normal job for earning money, and if you want to help other people and have somethink good strategie then you can trie, but in tradeing buisness i think nobody really wants to use signals from other people so much, if this signals are not the best from the best, i think everybody wants better to learn self tradeing that brinngs everybody more as a signals service which you dont not know how long it will be there and so thinks. so somethink for you to think about. if you can trade self good then trade for you self, but like i told most traders i think dont like signals and such thinks from other people so much and want to learn better self tradeing. anyway which yuo good luck mate.