Can we send signs from an EA of one MetaTrader to the another EA of another MetaTrader platform?


Hi Programmers!

Can we send signs from an EA of one MetaTrader to the another EA of another MetaTrader platform?

The two MetaTrader run on the same computer.



Some options:

1. First EA writes a file to experts/files; OS replicates file to experts/files in second platform instance; second EA reads file

2. Both EAs call a DLL which persists data in some way

3. If both EAs access the same account you could use the order comment field to store your inter-EA message :-)



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Dear Cloudbreaker,

Thank you for your fast reply!

Your first suggestion can be my real solution.

Thx again!


Stringo, unfortunately, I can't read that article. I speak only English.

But thx you too.

Google translator will help you
Google translator will help you

You are right!


Some options:

1. First EA writes a file to experts/files; OS replicates file to experts/files in second platform instance; second EA reads file

2. Both EAs call a DLL which persists data in some way

3. If both EAs access the same account you could use the order comment field to store your inter-EA message :-)


I was writing basically the same points.

  1. write to a shared file. The only change is this. In order to share the file, use a symlink program to link the experts/files directory to one place, that way, you don't need external file replication. There are a bunch of symlink programs for windows which will allow you to link one directory to a different path. this way you can have metatrader\experts\files linked to metatrader2\experts\files. I used the same idea to share my entire experts folder among about five metatrader installations. That way I only ever had to update the expert in one instance, and they were all updated.
  2. this is simple to achieve with COM messaging. I was looking for the code i wrote to do this, but it's on an offline harddrive. This is a very simple method. It's used by FxSpyder to communicate between FxSpyder and MetaTrader when they send orders between FxSpyder and MetaTrader.

The COM messaging is actually quite easy, and in a way a bit better than the file system item. The one problem you'll still have is one of events. In MetaTrader, there's no way I've seen to externally trigger an event. As an example, say you want to have broker A's pricing trigger a trade on broker A and a hedge on broker B. A price update comes in on A and B (B first for some reason). On A you trigger the trade, and write to your file (or send your message). Now, if this were a news event, broker B might not get another price update until 5 seconds and 150 pips later. At that point it will see that the file has updated and will process the instructions in the file. Your hedge is now 150 pips off from where it should be.

That's not much of a concern most of the time, but it could be an issue.


jaman wrote >>

  1. write to a shared file. The only change is this. In order to share the file, use a symlink program to link the experts/files directory to one place, that way, you don't need external file replication. There are a bunch of symlink programs for windows which will allow you to link one directory to a different path. this way you can have metatrader\experts\files linked to metatrader2\experts\files. I used the same idea to share my entire experts folder among about five metatrader installations. That way I only ever had to update the expert in one instance, and they were all updated.
You can run the MetaTrader more times in one time too.

Hi Programmers!

Can we send signs from an EA of one MetaTrader to the another EA of another MetaTrader platform?

The two MetaTrader run on the same computer.


This program is free and works very well....It's called Meta Trader Account Copier. It makes the second MT4 program trade the same as the first...

Relative wrote >>

Hi Programmers!

Can we send signs from an EA of one MetaTrader to the another EA of another MetaTrader platform?

The two MetaTrader run on the same computer.


If you plan to share your signals, try