I'm looking for 10 live testers


I am looking for 10 people willing to test my automation live. Minimum $3k suggested balance. I will provide you with the EA free, in return I want your next 3 months results in MT4Stats style. Thanks to the wonderful skills of Obama and his bruts, I am caught in the middle of the recession myself and I cannot afford to test my EA. If your results pan out, I could make a living providing this EA to the world, I just need live accounts to prove it out. If it pans out, you could end up with a nice EA to help you along for free. If I am wrong, it may cost you as much as $500 in losses. I have never seen any of the tests exceed $500 in drawdown. This particular tool has been tested since January.

Potential risk: $500, close it down if it meets this level.

Potential earnings: Indications point to approximately 40% per month earnings.

Support: I will be available to you night and day via phone.

Current test samples:

$10k balance, 28 currency pairs: http://lehayespower.mt4stats.com/

$3k balance, 10 currency pairs: http://lehayes.mt4stats.com/

$5k balance with 28 currency pairs: http://lehayes02.mt4stats.com/

$3k balance, 6 currency pairs: http://lehayes03.mt4stats.com/
Contact me: smsbvt (at) hotmail (dot) com

I am looking for 10 people willing to test my automation live. Minimum $3k suggested balance. I will provide you with the EA free, in return I want your next 3 months results in MT4Stats style. Thanks to the wonderful skills of Obama and his bruts, I am caught in the middle of the recession myself and I cannot afford to test my EA. If your results pan out, I could make a living providing this EA to the world, I just need live accounts to prove it out. If it pans out, you could end up with a nice EA to help you along for free. If I am wrong, it may cost you as much as $500 in losses. I have never seen any of the tests exceed $500 in drawdown. This particular tool has been tested since January.

Potential risk: $500, close it down if it meets this level.

Potential earnings: Indications point to approximately 40% per month earnings.

Support: I will be available to you night and day via phone.

Current test samples:

$10k balance, 28 currency pairs: http://lehayespower.mt4stats.com/

$3k balance, 10 currency pairs: http://lehayes.mt4stats.com/

$5k balance with 28 currency pairs: http://lehayes02.mt4stats.com/

$3k balance, 6 currency pairs: http://lehayes03.mt4stats.com/
Contact me: smsbvt (at) hotmail (dot) com

see my results: http://danielvc.mt4stats.com


Thank you for the responses. I promise to do my best to make this a tool folks can really enjoy. I have had 3 responses so far, only 7 to go.

bearnaked >>> I have already reviewed your trader. You and I are comfortable with different levels of risk. I designed my tools to avoid over leveraging. This was first and foremost in the design. As long as the market keeps moving, my tools will take very small trades and never be at risk of over leveraging. while I like the returns on your tool, I am very concerned with the high level of risk you take by consuming large lot sizes. All it takes is one heavy move of your currency pair and your account can be wiped out. I have spent the last 2 years learning that painful truth. I know it for a fact as I have gone through more than $15k of testing it. I have had some sexy trading systems like yours that really makes a man's wallet beg for a slice of that pie. All of them ended in a nightmare as the market moved against them. This is fine for someone who has the stomach for it, but I have learned my limit to risk and this is where it stands. I would rather take on the market in small increments so that I may live to trade another day. With all this said, I do like your tool, again, I think the numbers are sexy.


IS trend based or mean revrsion based system?


On what broker is this ?

LEHayes wrote >>

I am looking for 10 people willing to test my automation live. Minimum $3k suggested balance. I will provide you with the EA free, in return I want your next 3 months results in MT4Stats style. Thanks to the wonderful skills of Obama and his bruts, I am caught in the middle of the recession myself and I cannot afford to test my EA. If your results pan out, I could make a living providing this EA to the world, I just need live accounts to prove it out. If it pans out, you could end up with a nice EA to help you along for free. If I am wrong, it may cost you as much as $500 in losses. I have never seen any of the tests exceed $500 in drawdown. This particular tool has been tested since January.

Potential risk: $500, close it down if it meets this level.

Potential earnings: Indications point to approximately 40% per month earnings.

Support: I will be available to you night and day via phone.

Current test samples:

$10k balance, 28 currency pairs: http://lehayespower.mt4stats.com/

$3k balance, 10 currency pairs: http://lehayes.mt4stats.com/

$5k balance with 28 currency pairs: http://lehayes02.mt4stats.com/

$3k balance, 6 currency pairs: http://lehayes03.mt4stats.com/
Contact me: smsbvt (at) hotmail (dot) com

Hi LE Hayes,

Alas I am currently in the same financial straits as you, and likely worse off. I foolishly didn't follow the very good advice I heard everywhere not to start live trading until a minimum of 6 months and concrete evidence that I am making money on demoing first before starting live trading. I blew the only startup capital that I had for the ForEx, which is now on my credit cards and is still owing and past due )< 8) Doubling my account the first day of live trading most definitely helped to sucker me in and make me over confident. However I then spent the next week trying to hang onto it. After that I had a couple of trades that I let got too far into the red on me and ended up married to them that I went to bed and left them running in the hopes that they would reverse their current trends. Needless to say I woke up the next day and learned very clearly what a 'margin call' is the hard and expensive way. Alimony of any type is always very expensive! Obviously I’m a new comer to the ForEx. Being a ‘know it all’ can be very expensive at times, on lots of different levels! I am however taking an extensive, intensive & expensive primarily technical ForEx trading tutoring and mentoring program. I just wish that I would have done it before I started Live trading or I got ripped off for ~ $6,000 CAD on an ‘internet marketing scheme’ and scam. I could of got, and now have the same info that they provided to me for less than a couple of hundred USD and most of which I got for free (including a Trojan )< 8) --> I won’t be partaking in that particular lesson) There idea of intensive and extensive interactive training by people experienced and successful at it was one short phone call and 3 eMails They charged exorbitant prices for EVERYTING on top of what I had already paid. It also took me a whole very frustrating day just trying to get a Domain name registered and their web hosting that they likewise overcharged for heavily setup. The couple of techies that 'assisted me' in these fiascoes had never even been to either the Domain registration or WebHosting sites that they were supposed to know inside out and had even less of a clue than I did about them )< 8)

I posted a plea for programmers (under my previous nick of ‘DougRH’) to put an adjustable SL (& preferably a TSL as well) onto the very hot and prolifically trading generated by Martingale code such as PipMaker and with hedging pairs such as RubberBands. Utilizing them as Scalpers, which they are exceptional at due to the very rapid and profuse quantity of trades they make and keeping a tight SL on all trades and closing all of the losers out as soon as it is clear that they are losing money. When I correct for this inherent downfall of these types of AEs which keeps inexorably draining accounts dry if left unchecked in spite of the numerous profitable positions and manually either closing the clear losing trades myself ASAP or by adding SLs to the trades, they are profuse income generators in pretty well any currency, time frame or market conditions, especially the VERY prolific PipMaker. It shifts the ratio of winners and losers dramatically and the returns on them are very significant and add up very quickly. Like others in this area that realize this, if no one else will program them I will track down the needed code ‘sub-routines’ and splice the module into them myself if I have to. These would then make anyone that used them very wealthy very quickly.

However that is not what your current interests or needs are and what you are looking for. But like you, it does illustrate my similar serious and keen interests in this area as well. I am not in a position to ‘Live trade’ it at the moment for you, though I would be open to looking at it and if it appears to have a good chance of success I will run it on a demo account for you and forward test it and provide you with the data you are seeking. While not EXACTLY the same as Live testing it, it does generate data very close to live trading data, especially with the right brokers. (We could use Data’s ‘Positronic Brain’ in this field for sure! Lol (< 8) If I am convinced, when I have the necessary funds to do live testing, I would be open to it. Though hopefully by then you will already have the data you need and have finished fine tuning it by the time I was in a position to do this for you (< 8)

I am also promoting the idea that everyone that is making very good profits from successful AEs that others freely publish and share with others that we ALL start paying 1% of our net ForEx gains from these EAs to either the Authors of them such as yourself or whomever else they would like it to go to. This small amount for traders is insignificant and will hardly be noticeable at all, but like the ForEx itself, the InterNet potentially makes the large quantity of end users a VERY 'highly leveraged' income source for those such as yourself that have put a lot of 'Time In': effort, energy and money to and come up with a publish (very) successful AEs and can also make very significant returns for them. 'Experience comes before Expertise even in the Dictionary' It is only fair for those of us who generate significant wealth from others work that we paid nothing upfront for and allowed us to make and gather such very large and ongoing incomes with very little time or money.

If you have any interest in any of this and I can help you out as described or if you want to want too explore any other ideas or options please feel free to contact me.

……………………………………………..………………………..Good Luck and Prosperous Trading (< 8)


LEHayes wrote >>

Thank you for the responses. I promise to do my best to make this a tool folks can really enjoy. I have had 3 responses so far, only 7 to go.

bearnaked >>> I have already reviewed your trader. You and I are comfortable with different levels of risk. I designed my tools to avoid over leveraging. This was first and foremost in the design. As long as the market keeps moving, my tools will take very small trades and never be at risk of over leveraging. while I like the returns on your tool, I am very concerned with the high level of risk you take by consuming large lot sizes. All it takes is one heavy move of your currency pair and your account can be wiped out. I have spent the last 2 years learning that painful truth. I know it for a fact as I have gone through more than $15k of testing it. I have had some sexy trading systems like yours that really makes a man's wallet beg for a slice of that pie. All of them ended in a nightmare as the market moved against them. This is fine for someone who has the stomach for it, but I have learned my limit to risk and this is where it stands. I would rather take on the market in small increments so that I may live to trade another day. With all this said, I do like your tool, again, I think the numbers are sexy.

Amen to that BareNaked,

With all the hype in this field, the reality of slow, constant safe and steady conservative growth that wins this race. Approaching it as a 'get rich scheme' is most definitely not the road to success for most ForEx investors and speculators. If you want to read more of my follies in this area as well as ways to overcome the downfall of the Martingale and Hedging approaches, see my new posting at the bottom. Though with PipMaker I found ways to throttle it back and rein it in to a much more manageable and safer scenario under their current operating parameters. In PipMaker I changed the amount of margin that the AE's default of 40%! to a much safer and more manageable 1% <---> 5% I let it run on a demo at 3% and got a very clear picture of the downfall of it but have a remedy for it that will make for prolific and formidable ongoing wealth generators

……………………………………………………..Good luck, smooth low stress easy sailing and Prosperous Trading (< 8)


I do not get your point about Obama. US must be proud to get him instead of Bush, who fucked it up.
BillBrian wrote >>

On what broker is this ?

your broker

Renovatio wrote >>

IS trend based or mean revrsion based system?

I don't understand the question