Tester Problems


Hello everyone, greetings from Brazil. I´m a experienced trader, and I´m programming my own EA. Well before of my ea to be complete, I have wrote a program to read a special cvs files, with the entries points, and exit points marked. Well I can compile the text file, with no problem. But when I run it on strategy tester it returns the file like not found.I´m sending to you two files, one the screenshot of the file´s (teste.csv) location on my HD, and other of the code( the file location is : C:\Arquivos de programas\MetaTrader 4\tester\files. I have tried to put the file in the following directory(C:\Arquivos de programas\MetaTrader 4\experts\files) the file name is : teste.csv, but it doesent work.PLease if you can, help me. Sorry for the poor english, and thank you very much for the attention.

testador.mq4  8 kb

Don't worry. Tester can not take files from experts\files only from \tester\files. But when you use demo or real account your EA will take it from experts\files.


Don't worry. Tester can not take files from experts\files only from \tester\files. But when you use demo or real account your EA will take it from experts\files.

I have already tried this to directories, on different situations. But I always get, file not found. Thanks for ther attention