What is this variable doing?


Can someone please tell me what the Variable 'Pips' is doing in these couple lines of code?

if (l_ord_open_price_4 - Ask > Pips * Point && li_56 < MaxTradesPerChart) {


if (Bid - l_ord_open_price_4 > Pips * Point && l_ord_open_price_4 > 0.0 && li_56 < MaxTradesPerChart) {


The following are being compared:

l_ord_open_price_4 - Ask This is the actual movement in price between when the order was opened and now - expressed as a price (as opposed to a number of pips)

Pips * Point This is the target movement - the Pips variable is the variable which sets the target number of pips (set somewhere in the code - possibly as an extern variable), but it needs to be multiplied by Point so that is can be expressed as a price movement for the comparison to work.