Something Interesting in Forex Video May 2013 - page 4


Technical Analysis Course - Module 11: Money Management and Computers 

This is the most important skill you can learn for successful trading. How you view your trading account and how you determine how much to use on each trade is crucial to making a profit at trading. If you run out of money, then you won't be trading anymore, and anything else you know or learn about trading will be wasted.




Technical Analysis Course - Module 12: How to Build a Trading Systems 

Developing a trading system is both a science and an art. All successful traders have a consistent method of trading, no matter if it's trend following, countertrend, or some other less familiar technique. Even those who seem to have no method really do -- it's probably just they have traded so much that their system is instinctive to them.




Technical Analysis Course - Module 13: The Stock Market

The stock market as there are one or more in many countries, are divided into market sectors which are then split into industry groups. If you research the various divisions, you will see some intermarket effects, and usually be able to find a good area in which to trade.




Technical Analysis Course - Module 14: Futures

In the last few decades, futures contracts have grown from being solely for commodities to encompassing virtually any financial instrument you can think of. They started with futures contracts on currencies and treasury bonds, and then included futures on indices, and most recently single stock futures have become available.




Technical Analysis Course - Module 15: Options

Unlike any other trading derivative, options give you choices. If you trade in futures, contracts for difference, spread betting or any other financial derivative (a financial instrument that 'derives' its value from something else), you can leverage your money but you are also committed to the downside.




Technical Analysis Course - Module 16: Forex Trading

About forex trading and the application of technical analysis to the foreign exchange markets. If you are interested in intraday trading, you should know that you're up against the best, as this is a big market for banks and financial institutions. And of course, apart from the spread, which is where the brokers make their profit, Forex trading is a zero-sum game.




Technical Analysis Course - Module 17: Strategies and Trading Principle 

This module concerns contracts for difference and spread betting. While it's obvious, it needs saying. If you're trading in a bullish market, then the majority of your trades should be long. If the market bearish then most trades you take should be short. If the market is not trending, then make sure that any strategy taken is appropriate, such as buying at support and selling at resistance.




Best Forex Indicator To Use

Find out what is the best forex indicator to use from a professional trader and author of several forex books in this video. You can also read more about various forex indicators and strategies on his blog as well.


Effective Forex Exit Strategy For Traders

Find out the best way to exit your trades with the forex exit strategy utilized by a real trader 


Trading the Dow Jones: Wall Street Index 

The Dow Jones is the leading index that is referred again and again by many in the news industry when referring to the USA stock market. It is a popular index which provides a weighted average of the performance of 30 leading stocks listed on the NYSE [New York Stock Exchange] and Nasdaq. This index is by far the supreme, most closely watched index in the world.