Something Interesting in Forex Video May 2013


Trading and training video (from youtube for example) about forex and financial market in general. Video thread for April - look at this thread.

Please upload forex video you consider as interesting one. No direct advertising and no offtopic please.

All the comments without video will be deleted.  


Steve Kroft looks at some of the arcane Wall Street financial instruments that have magnified the economic crisis. Video is of 12 minutes 04 seconds.



High Frequency Trading Explained (HFT), 30 min 01 sec

Dave Fry, founder and publisher of ETF Digest, and Steve Hammer, founder of HFT Alert, discuss high frequency trading operations, fundamentals, the difference between algorithmic trading and high frequency trading, fluttering, latency and the role high frequency trading had in the May stock market flash crash in 2010.




This is very short video of 3 minutes 17 seconds: Why Watching the News Can Hurt Your Trading by Alexander Elder - trader and author, explains why he feels business TV can be detrimental to one's trading and believes standing aside can sometimes be the best approach.

Who is Alexander Elder? read this article Interview with Dr. Alexander Elder: "I want to be a psychiatrist in the market"




This is the second short video (3 minutes and 17 seconds) from this seria: Understand the Psychology of Trading by Alexander Elder. 

Successful traders not only understand their own psychology, but also the psychology driving the markets, explains Dr. Alexander Elder, imparting advice for getting a handle on both.




This is next short video by Alexander Elder from this seria: First Step to Trading Success: Choose Your Proper Time Frame

Traders often focus on finding one or many complex indicators to use, but Alexander Elder explains that deciding what time frame to analyze is the most important first step. 




Warren Buffett - How to Turn $40 into $5 Million. 8 minues 30 sec

In investing, the biggest mistakes are mistakes of ommision rather than mistakes of commission. There are opportunities that could be billion dollar mistakes, but they don't show up on the accounting report. Buying airlines is a risky business. It may be an attractive security in a flawed business. You might like the terms even though you don't like the business, and that can be a mistake. 




Alexander Gerchik - World Communications Forum, Davos 2012

Alexander Gerchik, a professional trader-investor from 1996 till now, will share insight and experience in financial prognosis with regards to the trading sector and speak about making investment decisions and the factors that shape them




Video of 26 minutes 03 sec - Dr. Alexander Elder -Trading for a Living- Part I. The information is pure gold




Video of 15 minutes 36 sec - Dr. Alexander Elder -Trading for a Living- Part II. This is not very good quality video but as it is the second part of his precentation so I should post it here.

Quote from the book:  

You can be free. You can live and work anywhere in the world. You can be independent from routine and not answer to anybody



Name of this video is Full Metatrader 5 Overview. Some MT5 features were not explained there but, anyway - it is interesting to watch about Depth of Market feature and about other features of Metatrader 5. To make it shorter - this is very quick overview (about 10 minues) about the differences of Metatrader 5 compare with Metatrader 4 for example.